Two types of leptospirosis infection can affect workers. Weil’s disease is a serious and sometimes fatal infection that is transmitted to humans by contacto with urine from infected rats. The Hardjo form of leptospirosis is trasmitted from cattle.

Unsafe Portable Ladders


  • The bacteria can get into the body through cuts and scratches and through the lining of the mouth, throat and eyes
  • The lacteria can exist in infected urine or in areas such as in sewers, ditches, ponds and slow flowing rivers
  • Poor welfare facilities
  • Poor hygiene standards



How can infection be prevented :

  • Get rid of rats
  • Keep food waste in suitable container
  • Wear adequate PPE waterproof gloves where there is a risk of infection, eg in sewers
  • Cover all cuts and broken skin before and during work with waterproof plasters
  • Wear the correct protective clothing for the job
  • Always wash hands before eating, drinking or smoking


Wate are the Symptoms:

  • Both diseases, Weils and Hardjo start with a flu like illness with a persistent and severe headache


What to do

  • Go to you Doctor ASAP
  • Explain your work or where and what you have been doing. Infection can take place out side of work, eg persons fishing in ponds, lakes and rivers where there are rats
  • If your employer has issued you a leptospirosis card, give it to your doctor
  • There are relatively few cases per year (average 6 to 10) so that some Doctors may have little or no knowledge of the disease
  • If is confirmed that you have leptospirosis you must inform you employer who is required to report it to the government authorizations


  • What is the source of infections?
  • How does the infection get into your body?
  • What are the symptoms?
  • What do you do if you have the symptoms?


There are only a few cases each year however if you do suffer any of the symptoms see your doctor immediately the sooner treatment is given the better. 

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