100대 명산

Mount BangJang in Gochang, South Korea

Mount Bangjang in Gochang offers a paragliding runway, allowing enthusiasts to enjoy paragliding, and has mountain biking courses ranging from beginner to advanced levels. In late May, hikers can find wild strawberries along the trails, adding an extra joy to their hiking experience.

♦ Mount Bangjang

Standing at 734 meters, Mount Bangjang is connected by a ridge to Bangeum Mountain (640 meters), also known as Byeogobong.

According to the “Goryeo Sagi,” one of the five Baekje songs, “Bangdeungsan-gok,” tells the sorrowful story of a woman lamenting that her husband did not come to rescue her from bandits. The mountain was known for its mystical aura and deep, rugged terrain, which made it a haven for bandits in ancient times. It was originally called Bangdeungsan but was later renamed Bangjangsan, implying a mountain that embraces and protects the people.

Though not particularly high, the mountain features many peaks and steep slopes, so caution is advised when hiking.

Starting from Jangseonggaljae, a pass dividing North Jeolla Province and South Jeolla Province, the trail ascends to the 497-meter peak before descending to a saddle and following the ridge to the summit. From the summit, the trail descends to Gochang Pass, where the north path leads to Yongchu Waterfall and the south path leads to Cheongun-ri in Jangseong-gun Buk-myeon. If descending via Bangeum Mountain, turn left at Gochang Pass to pass through a hinoki cypress forest.

♦ Mountain Bike Park

Gochang Mountain Bike Park offers a total of 14.7 km of courses divided into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. Among the intermediate courses, one is entirely a singletrack. There is also a 1.6 km uphill course designed for beginners, suitable for both cross-country and all-mountain bikes.

Mountain bike couples often take a break at the paragliding launch site before descending the mountain, enjoying a refreshing ride.

The bike way 14.7 km

  • Beginner: Basic course with gentle slopes and small jumps.
  • Intermediate: Courses with varying slopes and technical features on natural terrain.
  • Intermediate/Advanced: Technical courses requiring skill, with rough terrain and narrow paths.
  • Advanced: Highest difficulty courses with large drops and jumps.

♦ Gochang MTB Park Usage Rules

  • Membership registration is required; non-registered users may be restricted from using the courses.
  • Riding in the park involves risks and potential injuries. Familiarity with the trails and features can reduce these risks.
  • Do not attempt any trail or feature that exceeds your riding abilities. Always ride within your control.
  • Helmets and protective gear are strongly recommended. Full-suspension bikes with at least 4 inches of wheel travel are suggested.
  • New riders should receive training before riding in the park.
  • Minors (under 19 years old) need parental or guardian consent to use the park.
  • Uphill riding or stopping on downhill courses is strictly prohibited.
  • Be aware of any modifications to trails and features. It’s the rider’s responsibility to check for changes before riding.
  • Always stop and check before crossing hiking trails or roads.



♦ Mountain Bike Checklist

  1. Is your helmet properly adjusted?
  2. Is your bike frame free of cracks or damage?
  3. Are the brakes functioning correctly?
  4. Are the front and rear axles securely fastened?
  5. Are the headset and stem firmly in place?
  6. Are the tire pressure and tread adequate? Are the sidewalls intact?
  7. Are the handlebars and grips securely fastened? Is the saddle and post properly fixed?


♦ Paragliding Launch Site

The paragliding launch site on Mount Bangjang is located at an elevation of 670 meters and covers an area of about 2,000 square meters. The access road from Bangjangsan Natural Recreation Forest to the launch site is approximately 2.5 km.

♦ Wild Strawberries

Gochang is famous for its bokbunja (Korean black raspberries), and the region also has an abundance of wild strawberries. These tangy treats provide a natural energy boost for hikers along the trails.

♦ Jangseong National Forest Retreat

The Jangseong National Forest Retreat operates in the area, where many people can be seen doing morning exercises. Enjoying the forest is highly recommended for all visitors.

Rest Shelter under a tree at the paragliding launch site


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