The Concept of VE Value Engineering (VE) was initially developed as Value Analysis (VA) by GE. The U.S. Department of Defense…
▣ VE 개념 - Value Engineering (VE:가치공학)은 GE가 Value Analysis(VA:가치분석)로 개발하여 미국 국무부가 VE로 명칭을 변경하였고 모든 군납품업체가 VE를 도입하면서…
▣ Steam Turbine Auxiliary Equipment 1) Condenser - Consists of two shells, expanding the turbine exhaust steam into a vacuum state…
▣ 증기터빈 부속설비 1) 복수기 - 2개의 쉘로 구성되며, 터빈 배출 증기를 튜브측 냉각수와 열교환에 의해 진공상태로 팽창시켜 증기의 열낙차를…
▣ Power Plant Design Overview The layout of the main buildings and equipment of the power plant ensures access to…
▣ 발전소 설계 개요 발전소의 주요건물과 기기배치는 발전소의 건설공사와 유지 보수작업을 위해 각 건물 및 기기까지 접근용 공간을 확보하며, 터빈건물…
Overview and Target Facilities and Buildings 1. Review Overview When planning the plot plan for a power plant, it is…
▣ Overview and Review Content 1) Overview The plot plan for the power plant should consider an effective arrangement of the…
Overview and Scope of Application 1) Overview Develop a design plan reflecting each task's stakeholders, scope of application, and design…