23. Manual Handling

1년 ago

23. Manual Handling Manual Handing - means any activity requiring the use of force exerted by a person to lift, lower,…

22. Maintenance Work on Plant

1년 ago

22. Maintenance Work on Plant plant maintenance is the application of best practices to increase equipment up time in manufacturing facilities.…

21. Leak test of Pipes

1년 ago

21. Leak test of Pipes The leak test involves filling the pipe system with a liquid, usually water, which may…

20. Insulation for piping and equipment

1년 ago

20. Insulation for piping and equipment Piping and equipment should be insluated according to the insulation class, operating temperature and…

19. Instrument Installation

1년 ago

19. Instrument Installation The instrument installation is in designing, specifying, procuring, calibrating, installing, piping, loop checking, commissioning and maintaining instrumentation…

23.09.02 7기 불갑산

1년 ago

♦ 불갑산 佛甲山, 전남 영광군 불갑면 모악리와 함평군 해보면에 있는 산.  높이는 516m이고, 주봉은 연실봉이다. 원래는 아늑한 산의 형상이 어머니와…

18. Hydrotest

1년 ago

18. Hydrotest Hydrotest is a way of checking the integrity of pressure vessels, pipelines, cylinders, boilers, storage tanks as well…

17. HVAC Duct Installation & Insulation

1년 ago

17. HVAC Duct Installation & Insulation HVAC is an abbreviation for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, and refers to the climate…

16. HDPE Installation

1년 ago

16. HDPE Installation High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is an extremely versatile material that is utilized for a number of engineering works.…

15. Grit Blasting (Sand Blasting)

1년 ago

15. Grit Blasting (Sand Blasting) Abrasive grit blasting (also commonly known as abrasive blasting or sandblasting) involves forcibly propelling an abrasive material against a surface under high pressure. Different variants of the blasting process involve different media, which range in…