
[FISHING SAFETY] Rock fishing

Rock Fishing is dangerous

Rock fishing takes precautions and tie off

BEFORE you decide ot fish :

  • Tell a responsible person where you are going
  • Seek local knowledge if fishing in a new area
  • Have the right safety gear : a tie off rope, ‘Rock Hopper’ boots for traction and warmth and a lightweight inflatable vest
  • Check tide charts and weather reports and know if the tide is coming in or out
  • Watch the swell patterns for at least 15 minutes to establish the sewll line
  • Ensure children stay well above the swell line at all times
  • Be aware of deteriorating conditions, increased swell, and rain or spray on slippery rocks
  • Don’t fish if it is too rough

IF you decide to fish :

  • Never turn your back on the swell
  • Tie yourself to a bolt or natural anchor
  • Always fish in pairs
  • Never be tempted to retrieve a fish or lure at the water’s edge

How to use a rock anchor

  • The length of rope required varies. A 10m rope 8mm thick will suit most sites
  • Practice a bowline knot while making a loop around your waist. When you are confident with the knot, step out of the loop
  • While standing at the anchor, throw the loop to the position where you plan to fish. If needed, adjust the rope to avoid being too close to the edge. Then, using a bowline knot, tie the rope to the anchor

  • Once tie off, pull the loop back, step in and adjust so it sits tightly around your waist. Put pressure on all of your knots to ensure they are secure.
  • Stay tied off for the duration of fishing including set-up and pack-up
  • Keep your rope firm with no slack when in the fishing position

The anchor by Department of Parks and Wildlife and Department of Regional Development in Government of Western Australia


♦ Please notify Parks and Wildlife if this anchor point has improved your safety

Email : blackwood@dpaw.wa.gov.au

Phone : 9752 5555

*Your feedback is valuable to Parks and Wildlife and will be kept confidential

Thank you


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