Cowaramip Bay Information
The Augusta Margaret River Shire is committed to maintaining its spectacular environment and facilities for all to enjoy.
The Gracetown jetty and boat launching into Cowaramup Bay.
It is also a great spot to take a stroll and take in the amazing view.
There are some important rules to remember when using the jetty to ensure your safety and those around you.
The Ngari Capes Marine Park is situated in one of Austrailia’s most divers temperate marine environments.
As warm tropical waters of the Leeuwin current mingle with the cool waters of the Capes current you can find high finfish diversity, as well as internationally important seagrass diversity in Geographe Bay.
Adjacent the the Ngari Capes Marine Park, two Australian marine parks protect deeper seagrass meadows and offshore undersea features into the deep ocean.
Humpback and Southern Right whales migrate through, and utilise the waters of the marine parks. You can often see resident seals and dolphins feeding and playing along the rugged coastline.
All three parks are multiple use marine parks that caters for a wide range of user groups form fishers, scuba divers and snorkellers to surfers and kayakers. Zoning is an impoertant strategy in marine conservation and management, ensuring sustainable use of our marine resources.
Whilst enjoying the marine parks, please ensure you are aware of the different zones and their permitted activities. The map and permitted use table provides a quick reference guide.
Thank you.
콘다오 Con Dao. 호치민에서 남쪽으로 2~3시간을 버스를 타고 달려가면 Baria-VungTau 도시를 만날 수 있습니다. 바리아-붕따우에서…
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