



Rip currents are one of the greatest, and most common, hazards on Australian beaches. On average, rip currents are responsible for at least 21 drownings deaths in Australia each year. In addition, lifeguards perform countless rescues each and every year to assist swimmers who have been caught in rip currents.

There are many myths about the ocean, but rips are the number one hazard on Australian beaches. Avoid rips by swimming at a patrolled beach between the red and yellow flags.

Rip currents are strong currents of water moving away from the shore. They can sweep even the strongest swinner out to sea.



  • Don’t fight the current and don’t panic – stay calm
  • Swim out of the current, then to shore
  • If you can’t escape, float or tread water
  • If you need help, call or wave for assistance from other people at the beach


For your safety:

  • Know how to swim and know your limitations
  • NEVER swim alone, beaches in parks are unpatrolled
  • If in doubt, don’t go out

How to spot a rip current

The key signs to look for are:

  • Deeper and/or darker water
  • Fewer breaking waves
  • Sandy coloured water extending beyound the surf zone
  • Debris or seaweed
  • Significant water movement

Sometimes it can be easier to look for where the waves are breaking consistently, and then look to each side where they don’t break consistently. Those ares are rip currents. 

Can you spot a rip? Rips can cahange shape and location quickly and may be difficult to see. 


How to survive a rip current

If you are caught in a rip current, stay calm, conserve your energy and consider these options

  • Stay calm
  • Seek help. Raise your arm and call out. You may be rescued
  • Float with the current. IF may return you to a shallow sandbank
  • Swim parallel to the beach or towards the breaking waves. You may escape the rip current.

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