
Picking Natural Abalone in Australia

Picking Natural Abalone in West Australia


You must have a licence to fish for abalone and be prepared to produce it if required.
Apply for a new licence or renew an existing licence online on our website at fish.wa.gov.au
Alternatively, application forms are available from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) offices.

Picking Size Limit

Roe’s abalone
• Legal minimum size limit – 60 mm

Greenlip/brownlip abalone
• Legal minimum size limit – 140 mm

It is illegal to take an abalone smaller than the minimum size limit.

Abalone security birds

Safety Tips

  • Carry your catch in a loose-weave net bag; this will allow water to pass through and not become a dragging weight.
  • Attach your measuring gauge to your wrist; don’t hang it around your neck.
  • Study the waves before you get into the water and keep an eye on the swell while fishing – it is easy to be injured on reefs.
  • Wear protective footwear and a wetsuit or light clothing that will not become too heavy when wet.
  • If you are unsure whether conditions are too rough, don’t go in.
  • If you do get into trouble, try to stay calm and raise one arm (an international distress signal) to attract help.


To help keep WA’s waters pest and disease free, please thoroughly clean and dry all gear before moving to another area to fish.


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