
Remember the Church in small town

History of St John the Evangelist Church

The beautiful painting of this church 

Group 85 began in 1924 and was part of the Group Settlement Scheme. Many settlers arrived from England to take up largely virgin blocks of land which had to be cleared before farming could commence. The conditions were difficult and many settlers were forced to leave, but for those who remained, Osmington (the name of an English village given to the Group 85 settlement) began to take shape.

A tin and wooden humpy was originaly used by the group settlers as a place of worship until in 1929, the Osmington School was built and church services were held there.

In 1933 plans were made to construct a church building for Osmington. This church was to be one of sever built in the Margaret River area. The church building commenced – thanks to a donation of 100 pounds from Mrs Margaret Rivington of Sussex England – on 9th April 1933. Mr.C.H.(“Cotter” Williams and his 16 year oil son Chas, had the contract to build the church and he was assisted by the group settlers who were keen to have their own place of worship.

The new building was completed on 10th January 1934 and the opening service and consecration took place on the 2nd February 1934. The Mothers Union raised money for the church furnishings and the curtains, hangings and altar cloths were all worked by the ladies of the church. Some of the items donated by the settlers are still in the church today.

The chrch in still used for Christian worship and as a quiet place of prayer and contemplation by members of the local community today. Services are held by the Anglican Church every 2nd Sunday in the month at 11:30am and a non-denominational “Candlelight Evening Service is held at 7:30pm on the last Sunday of every month.

St Johns

Osmington Road, Margaret River

5 kilometres east of the Osmington and Jindong Treeton cross roads


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