
Welcome to Busselton Jetty


Kaya (welcome) to Wadandi boodjara (Country), home of Doonan Wongi/ Doonan language group. 

Since time began the Wadandi had names for all the features and spirits of their boodjara. 

In this context, 1801 is but a moment ago, when Frenchman Captain Nicholas Baudin led his scientific expedition to this bay (Wattern) and named it Geographe Bay.



Busseton was initially known as The Vasse when settlement began is 1834. Supplies were delivered to the small community from boats which pulled up on the beach untile the construction of the jetty in 1865.

As the district thrived a new jetty, the ‘Skeleton Jetty’, was built in 1911. This enabled trains to take goods out to the ships moored alongside the jetty.



The jetty and the foreshore have always been popular with locals and visitors. 

The sheltered waters are perfect for a casual swim, building a sandeastle, promenading, fishing or participating in a hard fought competition such as the Busselton Jetty Swim.



Busselton Jetty was in a poor state even before the major damaged inflicted by Cyclone Alby in 1978.

The loss galvanised the community, and through hard work and commitment led by BJECA (Busselton Jetty Environment and Conseervation Association) it was refurbished i 2011.

Contributions came from the State Government ($24 million), the then Shire of Busselton ($3.1 million) and BJECA ($1 million).


On the night of 4th April 1978, Cyclone Alby swept down the Western Australian coast causing severe damage to the Busselton Jetty.

As morning broke, residents who ventured to the beach found that the first 700m of the old jetty, the diving and swimming platforms had been broken up and swept onto the beach or left in sections in the bay.

The old ‘Rotunda’ section with a crane was left hanging in the middle of nowwhere. It remained in this position for many years where it was a place for the youth to swim to and hang out.

Eventually the sections were condemned and removed. An outcome of the disaster was the show of strength of the broad community support to maintain the remaining skeleton jetty which had amazingly remained intact.

A not for profit group now called the Busselton Jetty Inc, became the custodians of the jetty. The group operate the Busselton Jetty Train, Underwater Observatory and Interpretive Centre, with part of their ticket sales and fundraising contributing to the City of Busselton’s ongoing maintenance program.


In Busselton Jetty

This is uneven surface.

Watch your step on uneven surfaces, near edges and raised rail track.

Disabled, elderly and young persons should not walk on the jetty unless accompanied.


Jetty Local Laws

  • No Alcohol
  • No Dogs or Cats
  • No Bicycles
  • No Naked Flames
  • No Spear Fishing
  • No Scooters, Skateboards
  • No Smoking

Fishing Info.

Fishing Permitted. 

Except from sign posted NO FISHING zone at the end of the jetty and subject to; No person shall use more than 2 fishing lines or 4 drop nets.


Drones are not permitted to fly within 30 meters of people or directly above people at any height, including swimmers.

 Thank you.

Best Regards.


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