
Welcome to Kilcarnup

Welcome to Kilcarnup, Sanky’s

Kilcarnup Beach commences north of beach WA. The national park boundary crosses the centre of the beach, while a rough 4 WD track from Dallip Springs runs the length of the beaches. It is bordered by two protruding low rock points, with shallow reefs linking the points, resulting in low waves at the shore and a steep reflective beach. Continuous steep vegetated slopes back all three beaches, which are linked by the 4 WD track.

The track into Kilcarnup Beach is 4WD only, and I recommend being prepared to let your tires down, and taking an air compressor, recovery tracks, water, and a snatch strap, or even better, travel with a second vehicle. Reception can be patchy as well, so let someone know where you are going and what time you are expected to return.

Hooded Plover protection area

Your actions count

In spring and summer these rare birds lay their eggs in a shallow scape of sand above the high tide mark on the beach. Nests, eggs and chicks are difficult to see and are easily crushed by 4WDs and people.

Plovers are easy prey for unrestrained dogs. There are less than 40 birds recorded in the Cape to Cape area.

  • Leaving your dog at home
  • Walk with care along the waters edge
  • Stay clear of fenced or signed areas

The fishing here is awesome, with plenty of good Herring, Tailor and Skippy biting regularly. 

Here’s a list of Margaret River Fishing Spots if you want to see where else you could go.

You definitely can swim at Kilcarnup Beach, and I’d most definitely recommend it! It’s a really safe and calm beach for children to swim at as well.

The sand is soft especially in winter.

No Fires

Campling and campfires are not permitted in this area at any time of year.

Wonderful Ocean


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