1) Overview
Develop a design plan reflecting each task’s stakeholders, scope of application, and design direction.
2) Scope of Application
Applicable as a design master plan, project operation plan, and design progress management guidelines.
3) Application Requirements
Select and organize a team of responsible individuals to ensure smooth execution of design tasks.
4) Roles of Design Personnel
Understand assigned tasks, establish cooperation through coordination and negotiations, and maintain collaborative relationships.
1) Overview
Perform task planning by confirming project task details, technical specifications, and service periods.
2) Confirmation of Design Scope and Task Details
Ensure timely project completion and successful task execution by confirming design requirements, task details, and technical specifications for inclusion in the design plan.
3) Tasks and Documentation
Perform tasks necessary for planning, such as preparing design criteria documents, input/output lists, selecting design personnel, and developing training and education plans.
4) Planning the Creation of Piping Design Deliverables
5) Basic Design Direction
Utilize design deliverable creation, input data reception, inter-departmental coordination, reference materials, quality control of deliverables, task standardization, and database establishment for managing and operating various design tasks.
6) Key Design Considerations
Utilize the creation of design deliverables, reception of input data, inter-departmental coordination, reference materials, quality control of deliverables, task standardization, and database establishment for managing and operating various design tasks.
1) Key Design Considerations
2) Reference Materials for Design Planning
1) Overview
2) Scope of Application
Reflect the technical content and application standards of the design criteria documents in various design deliverables.
1) Task Content
Document detailed application standards for each field, including design overview, scope of application, applicable codes and standards, general design and piping layout standards, piping stress analysis, and support design standards.
2) Detailed Implementation Goals
1) Overview
2) Scope of Application
Ensure that the most recent and confirmed design input data is always reflected in various piping design deliverables.
3) Execution of Tasks
Receive design input data from related departments to fulfill design requirements and task details efficiently and create the design input/output lists.
1) Overview
Select responsible individuals who can smoothly execute design-related tasks such as preparing design documents and drawings, reviewing and approving documents, and coordinating with related departments and companies.
2) Scope of Application
Before starting design work, select personnel for each task, create the design execution organization, and distribute it to ensure smooth operation and management of design tasks.
3) Execution of Tasks
After selecting design personnel, create an execution organization chart and develop a monthly mobilization plan for the participating engineers.
1) Overview
Develop training and education plans for design personnel based on the tasks detailed in the contract, and reflect the necessary expenses in the project execution budget.
2) Scope of Application
Manage training records and history, including attendance cards, after conducting training and education. For external training in specialized or new technology fields, conduct dissemination training for employees who did not attend.
3) Execution of Tasks
Develop and manage training and education plans for design personnel to ensure they are implemented as planned.
1) Overview
Create lists of design documents and drawings to be performed at the design stage by verifying contract details (classified by type and purpose of deliverables and including submission dates).
2) Scope of Application
Create, review, and confirm lists of design documents and drawings with the client as needed, then distribute the finalized lists to the responsible individuals.
3) Execution of Tasks
Receive design input data from related departments to create lists of design documents and drawings, and efficiently manage the confirmed lists throughout the design period.
1) Overview
Develop an outsourcing plan to produce high-quality deliverables, including task scope and responsibility limits, execution plans and directions, criteria for selecting and evaluating companies, and procedures for managing and performing tasks.
2) Outsourcing Execution Plan
Develop a suitable outsourcing execution plan to ensure that the selected outsourcing company performs design tasks promptly and efficiently.
3) Outsourcing Execution Method
Focus on design error prevention and quality improvement by having key deliverables verified by internal experts and ensuring adherence to the design schedule during outsourcing tasks.
4) Considerations for Selecting Outsourcing Companies
Consider factors such as expertise in the relevant design field, design service fees, task execution capability, contribution to the company, and recommendations from the client when selecting outsourcing companies.
5) Evaluation and Management of Outsourcing Companies
Evaluate and manage outsourcing companies quarterly based on established criteria to ensure they perform outsourced tasks diligently and efficiently.
6) Scope and Cost Estimation of Outsourcing
Accurately define the scope of work for piping design outsourcing and calculate the total outsourcing cost by multiplying the unit outsourcing rate per M/H by the total M/H required for deliverable creation, reflecting it in the execution budget.
삼악산 ( 三岳山) 높이는 655.82m. 주봉(主峰)은 용화봉 강원특별자치도 춘천시로 의암댐 바로 서쪽에 있으며, 북한강으로 흘러드는…