Plant Industry Education

New concept, Eco-friendly power plant

Purpose and Key Considerations

  • Overview: When designing the plot plan for the power plant, the power facilities are to be placed underground, and the above-ground area is to be utilized as a cultural space and an energy-themed park, ensuring an environmentally friendly design.
포스코 폴란드 크라쿠프 생활폐기물 발전소

Key Considerations

  1. Developing an Environmentally Friendly Power Plant Layout Plan
    • Objective: To conceptualize a nature-friendly power plant within the city, maintaining a pleasant environment and planning the creation of a renewable energy-themed park.
  2. Investigating and Utilizing Domestic and International Environmentally Friendly Facility Cases
    • Action: Visiting and incorporating plans from domestic and international environmentally friendly facilities, including domestic thermal and combined cycle power plants, urban eco-friendly facilities, and overseas eco-friendly facilities.
  3. Conceptual Plan for an Environmentally Friendly Power Plant
    • Overview: To enhance the image of existing thermal power plants by constructing a new environmentally friendly power plant and creating an energy park in the city.
    • Main Facility Layout Details:
      • Buildings:
        • Chimney: Sculpturally designed to become a new landmark in the area.
        • Main Office: Designed harmoniously with the chimney with an oval mass.
        • Exhibition and Promotion Facility: Planning for education, exhibition, and promotion of thermal power plants.
      • Outdoor Facilities (Design Concept Motifs: Flow/Grain):
        • Flow Image: Waves, wind, sunlight.
        • Grain Image: Hope, flow, progress.
      • Detailed Layout:
        • Within the power plant area: Creation of a renewable ‘energy-themed park’.
        • Outside the power plant area: Formation of a ‘cultural landscape’.


Investigation of Environmentally Friendly Facility Cases

  • Domestic Urban Construction Cases of Environmentally Friendly Facilities:
    1. Jung-gu Recycling Center:
      • Installed underground with the above-ground space developed into a park for residents’ convenience.
    2. Dobong Food Waste Treatment Plant:
      • Installed underground with the above-ground space developed into sports facilities for residents.
    3. Guri Tower (Resource Recovery Facility):
      • Installed underground with sports facilities for residents’ convenience.
    4. Incheon Nonhyeon District Community Energy Facility:
      • A chimney used as an observatory and restaurant.
      • Located in a densely populated new town area, designed to blend with the coastal surroundings.


Demand Facilities of Visited Overseas Facilities

Traditional power plant designs prioritized economy, constructability, stability, maintenance, accessibility, and schedule compliance. However, recent visits to advanced countries’ cases have shown that integrating environmentally friendly concepts and harmonizing with the surrounding natural environment is crucial. Some ground spaces may need to be utilized as cultural spaces when necessary.


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