Asphalt paving works is a composite material commonly used to surface roads, parking lots, airports and other such places. It lays the asphalt flat and provides minor compaction before it is compacted by a roller.
아스팔트 공사하는 모습을 운전하시면서 종종 보셨을 거예요. 많은 건설장비가 투입되어 장비사고 위험이 높습니다. 사용 중인 도로라면 교통사고 위험은 더욱 높아지죠.
2019년에 아스팔트를 싣고 와서 트랙터에 쏟아주는 과정에서 덤프트럭이 전도되는 사고가 있었습니다. 다친 사람은 없었으나 덤프트럭은 주요 부붐 및 거더가 손상되는 사고 였습니다. 원인은 아래와 같이 운전자 미숙함이었는데요. 운전원이 아스팔트 재료 상태를 모래와 같이 인식하여 트랙터에 쏟아붙는 속도를 과감하게 진행했습니다.
트랙터의 아스팔트가 소모되지 않는 상태에서 덤프트럭의 짐칸을 너무 높이 올려 차량이 편중되어 전도되었습니다. 전도된 덤프트럭을 일으키는데도 상당한 시간을 소모했죠.
무엇보다 건설장비 주변에는 가까이 하지 마시구요. 일상생활에서는 공사현장 EGI 휀스에 기대거나 오래 머물러 있지 않으시길 바랍니다. 최근 발생한 광주에서 건축물 해체 작업 중 붕괴되는 사고, 청량리 역사 공사 작업 중 휀스 밖으로 건설장비 전도 사고 등이 안타깝게도 일어 났었습니다. 공사현장은 주의해서 빨리 지나가세요. 타워크래인이 현장 밖으로 나와 회전반경을 운전하는 것도 불법입니다.
Hazard Category | Hazards | Controls |
Injury of Damage | 1. Injury / damage as a result of incorrect information 2. Poor communication between worker parties | 1. Obtain correct permit to work, training in PTW system daily basis pre-start meeting(TMB). 2. Safety induction to new employees, specialized training to craftsman, job pre-start meeting, tool box meeting, mandatory used of PPE 3. All personnel will wear the appropriate PPE for their specific task. 4. Supervision to be at work front at all time by performing parties to ensure that work force has good understanding of task and working to the approved JSA and permit requirement. |
Identify Work Area | 1. Risk of injury due to low awareness of work activities | 1. A review and marked out for all underground temporary pipe and cables. 2. Obtaining work authorization or permits. 3. Area need to be provided barricade with painted drums and pipes. 4. Provide barricades and wear reflective vest when working in or adjacent to equipment pathways 5. Maintain awarenes of walking surface/conditions. |
Head/ toes or feet/ eyes injuries | 1. Can occur that is by falling or flying object or by bumping into hanging object and being struck by falling or moving objects. 2. Failure to wear, toes or feet can be crushed by falling of heaby or pointed objects 3. Failure to apply, eyes can be injured, eyes can ba temporary or permanent disable by flying particles, falling objects. 4. Failure to wear & if any noise levelis above 85 dB it can damage the tiny sensory cells inside the ear and may endanger hearing. | 1. All employees must wear hard hat at all times to protect his head from injuries caused by falling or flying or flying objects or by bumping into hanging objects and being struck by falling or moving objects or from electrical shocks and burn shall be protected by protected helmat. 1-1. No one will be allowed to work with out wearing hard hat, everyone is required to keep his hard hat with him even going for lunch or during travel. 2. Soft shoe will not allowed to be worn on work site, only steel toe shoes will allowed which will protect the toe from being crushed by falling or pointed heavy objects, the shoes needs to be in good condition to protect from slipping by greasy or oily surface which will be the cause of serrious injury or fracture. 3. Wear safety glasses with side shields, goggles, facesheild and other appropriate PPE as per job requirement to protect eyes from flying particles, falling objects, spark and safety glass must be worn at all times at work site. 4. Where noise level will be above 85 dB and utilizing the pneumatic tools air plug must be worn. |
Vehicle Equipment Operations | 1. Un-authorized operator 2. Equipment inspection / condition 3. Traffic control 4. Over speed | 1. Operator will be certified for the equipment to operated. 2. Equipment will be inspected initial, monthly and daily prior to use at the site. 2-1. No equipment or vehicle shall be placed in service untill it has been inspected and found to be in safe iperating condition. 2-2. Equipment/ vehicle not meeting safe iperating conditions shall be immediateiy removed from service for repair or corrected. 2-3. Inspection log/ check list shall be maintain. 3. Flaggers or spotter shall be wear reflective vest to control the smooth trafic flow. 4. Posted speed limits are not to be exceeded and drive to conditions. |
Electrocution or Eye/ Face/Hand Injury | 1. Can occur that don’t comply with methods or procedures | 1. Only proper inspection, color coding will be alloved to use. competent person will inspec the tools and provide color coding. 2. No on e wiil be allowed to do minintenance or repair power tools, only assigned competent electrician will do it. 3. Every employee must inspect his power tools before its use and check for defective cables, plug,socket, if any defect found, need to replaced or defect must be rectified before use 4. Never use home made or makeshift tools and never modify or alter a tools |
Asphalt Paving | 1. Foot and hand injury – Can occur that face hot surfaces of materials by un-authorized person. | 1. Only qualified and trained workers can do this activities and always used proper PPE like glasses, gloves and rubber boots etc. 2. Only trained and experienced employees are allowed to do the task while hot asphalt paving make sure all employee aware kept the safe distance. 3. Remove and clean the area after finish the work. 4. Hot MC-1 or MC-2 shall be spread required thickness and remove all employee away from the application |
Serious Body Injuries | 1. Can occur that carry out asphalt road cutting by inproper machine | 1. Machine used must be checked by sompete person regularly and must be color coded prior to statt the work ensure that the road has been barricade.
삼악산 ( 三岳山) 높이는 655.82m. 주봉(主峰)은 용화봉 강원특별자치도 춘천시로 의암댐 바로 서쪽에 있으며, 북한강으로 흘러드는…