Cable pulling works involve an individual pulling sheathed cables through walls, trays and ducts for electrical power systems. They will push, pull, and band these cables through given spaces, as well as joining them together.
케이블 풀링, 설치 공사는 혼자하기 어려운 작업입니다. 한팀을 이루어 작업을 진행하고, 풀링할 때에 구호를 넣어 구호에 맞춰 케이블을 끌어당기고 고정하기도 합니다. 케이블을 따라 근로자가 일 해야하기 때문에 작업조건이 좋지 않은 경우가 많습니다. 작업할 수 있는 공간확보를 하는 것이 무엇 보다도 중요하고 이동통로 확보도 확인 되어야 합니다.
Hazard Category | Hazards | Controls |
Nips, Cuts and Abrasions | 1. Can occur from contact with banding materials if hands become trapped during the cable pulling process | 1. Personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be worn at all times when handling sharp or otherwise potentially hazardous materials. 2. A “Safe System of Work” shall be implemented to reduce the possibilities of accidents/incidents caused by a lack of communication. |
Back Injuries, Strains and/or Sprains | 1. Can occur when pulling cables over long distances, or when cables become trapped between structures. | 1. Mechanical handling devices shall be used to replace manual handling operations or to assist in them (wherever possible) 2. Dual lifting operations shall be implemented to reduce the stresses on individuals. 3. Personnel shall utilize the correct kinetic handling practices at all times, i.e. bending the knees and keeping the back staight. Manual handling courses should be implemented where ever possible |
Blocked Assess/Egress Routes | 1. Access and egress routes can easily become blocked during cable pulling operations, This can be particularly hazardous in the event of an emergency. | 1. Personnel shall ensure that access/egress routes are kept clear at all times and alternatice walkways provided. 2. Supervision shall check worksite (where necessary) to ensure that access/egress routes are clear. 3. “Tool box talk” shall be implemented (where necessary) to ensure that all personnel are aware of their responsibilities. |
Fall of Materials and/ or Tools | 1. Can occur when operations are carried out at heights | 1. All tools and equipment shall be kept secured at all times 2. Barriers shall be erected beneath the installation area to restrict access to other personnel. 3. Alternative access shall be made available where the normal access/egress is obstructed. |
Falls of Personnel | 1. Can occur if adequate access/egress is not been provided and maintained during the cable pulling and banding operation. | 1. Suitable access/egress shall be maintained to the work at all times. 2. Refer to the relevant risk assessment, i.e. working on scaffolding, working off ladders, working off stepladders. |
삼악산 ( 三岳山) 높이는 655.82m. 주봉(主峰)은 용화봉 강원특별자치도 춘천시로 의암댐 바로 서쪽에 있으며, 북한강으로 흘러드는…