Constructing holes in precast concrete manhole sections for pipe connections can be achieved by several methods. Each requires careful consideration before making the investment in training and equipment. Whether you are building a new plant and trying to decide which production method to use or you have an existing plant and want to determine if your current method is the most efficient, it’s important to make an informed decision.
추가로 이런 작업의 경우, Confined Space Work 환경에서 이뤄질 수도 있습니다. 사전 점검이 필수적입니다.
맨홀, 오수관거의 경우, 황화수소 등이 존재할 수 있습니다. 무색무취의 황화수소는 가스측정을 통해 필히 점검해야 합니다.
또한 많은 분들이 이와 같은 작업을 혼자서 하는 경우가 많은데, 교대/휴식을 위해서라도 혼자서 하면 안되는 작업 입니다.
Hazard Category | Hazards | Controls |
Simultaneous Activities | 1. Can occur that simultaneous activites of other workers in the area which exposes additional dander of workers being injuried. | 1. Supervisor to assess current activities if there are other works in progress in the immediate area they must be notified. 2. Supervisor must communicate with other supervis or in charge of other workers to get a suitble time to commence the work. 3. One activity at a time, Supervisor to supervisor of the group shall discuss the work priority 4. Only authozied persons who signed in the documented TBM and the attached JSA are allowed to work in the area. |
Slip, Trip, and Fall Hazard | 1. Can occur that isn’t improper storage of materials or isn’t protected with equipment such as hard barricades etc. | 1. Make sure temporary storage of materials are clearly mark and temporary taped off.2. Ensure clear access for workers for entry and exit. 3. All manhole must be covered 4. Openings must be protected with covers or hard barricades |
Electrocution, Eye and Face Injury | 1. Workers are improper use of hand tools or power tools | 1. Only properly inspected tools must be on site and color coded.2. Nobody is allowed to do maintenance or repair for power tools only competent electrician assign by the company 3. All power tools must be equipped with dead man switch. 4. Before start the chipping work need to check the condition of the cord. 5. Physical condition of the chipping machine outer casing must be free from cracks or damage. 6. Workers must wear the double protection, clear glass and face shield. Gloves and ear plug and the mandatory PPE. |
Falls of Personnel | 1. Can occur that workers have felt down the edge of sump. or the top of sump. | 1. Arrangement of material in an orderly manner
3. All workers who need to stand on the sump cover must hook their lanyard on the safe anchorage. 4. Cut out area must be barricaded with hard barricade. |
2. Improper wearing of full body harness that can also cause of injury | 1. Wear the full body harness properly 2. Only a competent person an approved scaffold erector must used for the erection, modification and dismantling of scaffold. 3. Workers must be aware of the scaffold tagging system. | |
Emergency Evacuation | 1. Lack of life saving knowledge and adequate procedure when action is required. | 1. In an emergency, every supervisor must ensure that all work in stopped, all equipments are shut-down and all employees are evacuated to emergency assambly point. 2. No one is permitted to return to work until notification has been received from safety department ro from the company senior management the is safe to do so. 3. Provide emergency call out procedure |
삼악산 ( 三岳山) 높이는 655.82m. 주봉(主峰)은 용화봉 강원특별자치도 춘천시로 의암댐 바로 서쪽에 있으며, 북한강으로 흘러드는…