Risk Assessments

08. Electrical Installation

08. Electrical Installation

Electrical installations consist as the connection system that has the mission to conduct and distribute the electric current, from the electric service to the last electrical installation outlet, in a edification or construction.

Electrical installation describes the physical work involved in installing electrical systems into a building and a plant., etc as testing of electrical wiring and equipment.

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Nips, Cuts and Abrasions 1. Can occur on sharp edges of cable trays, etc. or if hand and fingers become trapped during the installation process. 1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall be worn at all times when handling sharp or otherwise potentially hazardous materials.

2. A “Safe System of Work” shall be implemented so as to reduce the possibilities of accidents/incidents caused by a lack of communication.

Back Injuries (Strains and/or Sprains) 1. Can occur due to the manual handling of heavy items of equipment, such as motors, cables, etc. 1. Mechannical handling shall be utilized wherever possible/practical so as to reduce manual handling methods.

2. An assessment shall be carried out where personnel are required to man-handle loads.

3. Dual lifting shall be utilized (where necessary) to reduce the strain on one person.

Electric Shock 1. Can occur if conductors have not been isolated and/or if a “Safe System of Work” is not in place. 1. Work shall never be carried out on live equipment.

2. Only qualified and authorized personnel shall work on electrical equipment.

3. A “Safe System of Work” shall be in place and documented (where necessary) for all work under taken.

4. Electrical system shall be tested prior to all work commencement to ensure that they have been de-energized and/or isolated.

Fire and/or Explosion 1. Can occur by heat generated by conductors in areas of flammable and/or explosive materials and/or by poor housekeeping. 1. The highest standards of housekeeping shall be maintained at all times.

2. All sources of fire and/or explosion shall be eliminated and/or adequately controlled.

3. Air sampling shall be implemented to monitor any explosive gases, vapors and/or dusts which may be present.

4. Extraction shall be implemented during the work process to extract any vapors and/or gases which may enter the area while the work is in progress.

Falls of Materials and/or Tools 1. Accidents can occur through items being dropped during the installation process 1. Materials and tools shall be kept secure at all times during the installation process.

2. Barriers shall be erected beneath the installation area to restrict access of other personnel.

3. Alternative access shall be made available if the normal access/egress is obstructed.

Falls of Personnel 1. Accidents can occur if suitable access/ egress is not provided and maintained to the installation area at all times, during the installation process. 1. Safe access/egress shall be maintained to the are a of the installation at all time.

2. Please refer to relevant risk assessment, i.e. working on scaffolding, working off ladders, working off stepladders.

Burns 1. Can occur during the process of electric shock and are nomally very severe. 1. Work shall never be carried out on live equipment.

2. Only qualified and authorized personnel shall work on electrical equipment.

3. A “Safe System of Work” shall be implemented and documented (where necessary)

4. Local testing shall be carried out to ensure that equipment is isolated.

5. Personnel shall ensure that all burns, etc. are treated immediately by a trained first aider.


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