09. Electrical Testing

It is more likely that this will happen during electrical testing and fault finding, when conductors at dangerous voltages are often exposed. You can minimise this risk if testing is done while the equipment is isolated from any dangerous source of supply, although this is not always possible. Take care to prevent contact with any hazardous internally produced voltages. The most serious injuries are caused by electric shock. The effects of a shock are largely unpredictable and can easily lead to a fatal injury. However, there is also a risk of burn injuries from arcing when conductors are accidentally short-circuited. (from Safety in electrical testing at work in HSE)

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Electrical Testing 1. Can occur through contact with live conductors. 1. Work shall never be carried out on live equipment.

2. Only qualified and authorized personnel shall work on electrical equipment.

3. A “Safe System of Work” shall be implemented and documented (where necessary) i.e. work permit

4. Local testing shall be carried out (competent person) to ensure that equipment is isolated

Fire and/or Explosion 1. Can occur through electrical test equipment generating sparks in areas of potentially flammable and/or explosive materials. 1. Work shall never be carried out on live equipment.

2. Only qualified and authorized personnel shall work on electrical equipment.

3. Personnel shall ensure that circuits are isolated atboth ends before testing.

Emergencies 1. The potential of accidents/incidents and/or dangerous occurences can be increased if suitable and sufficient emergency procedures have not been implemented prior to work commencement. 1. Emergency procedures shall be in place prior to work cemmencment covering fire fighting equipment, access/egress routes, trained first aiders, etc.

2. Regular drills shall be utilized to ensure that the emergency procedures which have been implemented are suitable and sufficient.

Burns 1. Can occur during the process of electric shock and are normally very severe. 1. Work shall never be carried out on live equipment.

2. Only qualified and authorized personnel shall work on electrical equipment.

3. A “safe system of work” shall be implemented where necessary (i.e. Work permit)

4. Local testing shall be carried out to ensure that equipment is isolated.

5. Personnel shall ensure that all burns, etc. are treated immediately by a trained first aider.


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