Risk Assessments

11. Fire Proofing by Spraying

11. Fire Proofing by Spraying

Many building codes require fireproofing protection to structural steel as a safety precaution. The most common way to provide such protection is by spraying low-density fiber or cementitious compounds, now called spray-applied fire-resistive material (SFRM). The product can be sprayed on steel to provide heat resistance and also can be applied over wood, fabric, and other building materials. Building codes dictate the required thickness of the coat is applied. Sprays are divided into a wet spray or dry spray materials, describing how the material is mixed and applied.

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Slips and Trips 1. Can occur that cables or hoses lay through the walk way
2. As Improper housekeeping around work place
1. Do not lay the hoses through the walk ways
2. Always keep neat and ensure work area is kept clean at all time

3. Provide proper lighing to do the job safely, when there is not enough day light due to the screen covers
Eye Injury to other
1. Can occur that hoses can heat mamberance to work other place
2. Failure of Controlling un-authorized entry
1. Secure a hot work permit prior to start the work
2. Barricade the area and errect signages
3. Proper barricading distance shall be maintained according to the procedure
3. Inspect the area of work to ensure safe to the surrounding workers, and ensure no combastible material in the work area
Health Hazard 1. Personnel do not wear the PPE
2. Failure of keeping work permit condition
1. Use Safety Glasses if feel irritation in eyes, flush eyes thoroughly with water for several minutes, remove contact lenses if worn.
2. Provide eye wash, face sheild
3. Prolonged and repeated skin contact may dry skin, wash skin with soap and water.

4. Use dust mask, if inhaled get fresh air immediately
5. Wetting properly using water prior to removal. Remove material and wipe floor clean
6. Store in a ventilaed & covered place
7. Maintaining good housekeeping disposal
8. Task supervisor must learn the MSDS and follow all HSE precaution given in it.
Slips and Trips 1. Can cuase by inadequate access and poor visibility 1. Ensure proper wind up and haousekeeping at work place
2. All work area are to be kept clean and free of tripping hazards
3. Remove all tools, equipment, etc when not in use
4. walkways, scaffolds, stairway and other work are a are to be free of obstucted and sharp objects including cables, hoses and cords
Electrocution and Injury 1. Can occur use of damage or defective tools, or use of power tool by untrained persons 1. All electrical equipment is to be tested for earth leakage and tagged by a competent electrician every equater. this includes all portable electrical equipment and leads. untagged tools are not to be used.
2. Employees are not permitted to operate power tools unless they have been suitably trained or are deemed to be competent.
3. Power tools are to be stored in clean, dry conditions and are not to be left unsecured in overhead locations.
4. Power tools are to be used for the purpose they were designed. Don’t improvise
5. Operating switches or levers requiring constant pressure for operation are not to be tampered with to make the tool operate without constant hand or finger pressure
6. An approved earth leakage protection device is to be used to protect all portable electrical power tools
7. The device shall be placed at the supply source
Falls of Personnel 1. Can cause by lack of wearing PPE 1. Proper working platform/ scaffold shall be used for working at height.
2. Fall protection equipment must be used such as 100% tie-in a full body harness
Serious Injury &roperty Damage 1. Due to damage cable & not providing proper grounding
2. Can occur that whiplash arrestor not provided
1 Check electrical cables & connection for damage and replace if damaged
2. Provide proper grounding
3. Provide whiplash arrestor to all connection of air hosed.
4. Allow only trained & experienced personnel to operate the machine. ensure that guard is provided to the rotating blade

구조물에 대한 화재 예방 조치를 위한 공사입니다. 주변에 먼지가 많이 발생되고 고소작업 및 작업여건이 좋지 않아 비계가 적절하게 설치되어 작업대 확보가 중요합니다. 물론 청소도 매일같이 해야하죠!

주변 근로자가 함께 일하기 어렵고, 국내에서는 민원제기가 많은 부분이라 사전 준비를 철저히 하여야 합니다.

내화작업 근로자는 호흡기용 보호구 착용이 필수적이며, 배기장치 등을 필히 확인하여야 합니다. 작업 후에 근로자가 씻을 수 있는 시설을 준비도 필수적입니다.

근로자가 일하기에 타작업에 비해서 작업 조건이 어렵고, 까다롭다 보니 더 많이 신경 써주세요~


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