Risk Assessments

17. HVAC Duct Installation & Insulation

17. HVAC Duct Installation & Insulation

HVAC is an abbreviation for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, and refers to the climate control systems installed in homes or commercial properties. Their task is to move heated or cooled filtered air throughout the building, to keep inhabitants of the structure comfortable.

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Slips and Trips 1. Cause by poor lighting and untidy work areas 1. Ensure proper wind up and housekeeping at work place.

2. All work areas are to be kept clean and free of tripping 

3. All unused materials and tools shall be lowered to the 
   ground after the work is completed

4. No loose materials shall be permitted to be left on 
   scaffold after the work is completed

5. Adequate lighting for night work is to be provided or 
   when lighting is poor

6. Waste of fiber insulation shall be collected in sealed 
   plactic bags and dispose properly in the designated area
   outside of the work site.

Lacerations and Bruising Injury 1. Can occur use of hand tools being struck

2. Can occur that defective hand tools are used without safety devices

1. Hand tools are only to be used for their intended
 purpose, Do not improvise2. Use the correct tool, size and type for the job

3. Inspect tools regularly for signs of damage or wear. 
   Ensure that any worn or damaged tools are withdrawn
   from service and replaced

4. When using hand tools, watch out for person working 
   nearby. do not overcrowd a work area

5. Never use attachments for extra leverage, unless 
   specifically designed for that use

6. Do not leave hand tools lying around to cause a hazard
   or become damaged. 

7. Tools are to be secured by wrist straps or lanyard where 
   there is  a risk of falling from height

Electrocution and Burn

1. Not used properly
2. Lack of safety awareness to use methods properly
1. All electrical equipment is to be tested for earth leakage
 and tagged by a competent electrician every quater. and
 untagged tools are not to be used.2. Employees are not permitted to operate power tools
 unless they have been suitably trained or are deemed to

3. Power tools are to be stored in clean, dry conditions and
   are not to be left unsecured in overhead locations.

4. Power tools are to be used for the purpose they were
   designed. do not improvise

5. An approved earth leakage protection device is to be 
   used to protect all portable electrical power tools.

Respiratory ailment and Collision 1. Can cuase by falling metal sheets pieces during cutting of metal

2. Can occur by flying fiber glass insulation particle during cutting of insulation sheets

1. Where practicable all cutting of metal sheets  & insulation
 sheets should be done at ground level where cutting done
 at height2. Off cuts need to removed as soon as possible

3. Personnel must wear PPE such as mask, gloves, etc

Falls of Personnel 1. As using of improper platform such as scaffold or ladder on working at height

2. Cause by unsafe action such as working without PPE like harness

1. Ensure that proper scaffold platform or ladder is
 provided while working at height & ladder is used
 properly.2. No one shall be allowed to use the top of step ladder.
 third step from top shall be last step for standing

3. Metal spreader or locking device must be provided on 
   step ladder to hold the front and back section in an open
   position when ladder are being used

4. All employees working at height 1.8 meter (6 feet) or 
   above must wear full body harness with double lanyard
   and must connect to the anchorage point all the time

Back Strains and Sprains 1. Due to Inadequate method of manual lifting & handling

1. Get assistance when lifting heavy items

2. Use good posture when lifting

3. Use mechanical method of lifting to avoid weight related

Falling Objects 1. Failure of unauthorized Personnel Entry 1. Ensure that safety barriers and appropriate warning signs
 are placed under the work area to avoid the entry of non-
 essential personnel

천장 상부에 올라가서 덕트 보온작업은 사람이 떨어질 수 있습니다. 작업발판 상태를 확인하고 확인하고 점검해야 합니다. 덕트/전기/소방 관련된 작업으로 천장(텍스) 위로 올라가서 작업하는 경우에 추락사고 점검을 필히하여야 합니다.

약 10년 전에 4m 높이 천장 위에서 케링(행거)에 의존하여 임시발판(합판 등)을 놓고 작업하던 중, 잘못 밟아서 추락하는 사고가 있습니다.

눈에 보이지 않다보니 더욱 위험하고, 사다리가 안닿는 높은 천장은 특히나 더 위험하니, 현장 조건에 맞도록 적절한 작업대 확보가 필요합니다.

현장에 납품되는 대형 덕트를 보온작업하는 공장에서 있었던 일 입니다. 공장에 세워두었던 덕트가 넘어지며 그 아래에 있던 근로자 위로 쓰러져 상해사고가 발생되었습니다. 플랜트 현장은 대형 덕트 및 HVAC 자재/기계를 이용하여 작업하니 밀폐공간작업 등도 같이 확인해야 할 것 입니다.

위 내용은 HVAC 부분을 다루었지만 HVAC 의 범위가 공조시스템으로 넓다보니 국한적이지 않은, 복합적인 작업으로 이해하여 주시기 바랍니다.



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