Risk Assessments

19. Instrument Installation

19. Instrument Installation

The instrument installation is in designing, specifying, procuring, calibrating, installing, piping, loop checking, commissioning and maintaining instrumentation and control systems for a wide range of industrial and commercial process controls, ensuring that the plant operates safely.

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Defective Equipment 1. Accidents can occur through the use of faulty and/or defective or by the installation of equipment with insufficient rating for the task 1. All equipment shall be visually inspected for defects
 prior to installation.2. All equipment being installed shall comply with relevant
 ACOP(Approved Code of Practice)’s and safety standards
 and be the correct rating for the task.
Nips, Cuts and/or Abrasions 1. Can occur through contact with sharp edges on instruments or if hands and fingers become trapped during the installation process. 1. Personnel protective equipment (PPE) shall be worn at
  all times when handling sharp or otherwise potentially
  hazardous materials.2. A “Safe System of Work” shall be implemented to
 reduce the possibilities of accidents/incidents caused by
 a lack of communication, utilizing “Tool box talks”
 (if necessary).3. All sharp edges shall be removed or dressed immediately.
Falls of Materials and/or Tools 1. Accidents can occur through items being dropped during the installation process. 1. Materials and tools shall be kept secure at all times
 during the installation process.2. Barriers shall be erected beneath the installation area to
 restrict access of other personnel (where required).3. Alternative access shall be made available if the normal
 access/egress is obstructed.
Fall of Personnel 1. Accidents can occur if suitable access/egress is not provided and maintained to the installation area at all times, during the installation process 1. Safe access/egress shall be maintained to the work area
  at all times.2. Please refer to relevant risk assessment, i.e. working on
  scaffolding, working off ladders, working off stepladders

계장기기/기구/장치/케이블 등등 모든 작업을 여기에 기재 할 수 없죠!!

JSA(Job Safety Analysis) 를 준비할 때에 관련된 작업내용을 같이 확인해보시길 바랍니다.

Process Safety (공정안전)에 관심이 있으시면, P&ID 부터 시작하세요~


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