Risk Assessments

20. Insulation for piping and equipment

20. Insulation for piping and equipment

Piping and equipment should be insluated according to the insulation class, operating temperature and insulation thickness stated in the P&ID and Data sheets.

All insulation shall be covered with weather protection designed and installed to prevent ingress of water during normal operation.

Types of Insulation

1) Hot Insulation – The Hot insulation installation will cover the following two major categories in Hot Insulation for Piping & Hot Insulation for Equipment

2) Cold Insulation – Cold insulation installation will cover the following two major categories. Cold Insulation for Piping & Cold Insulation for Equipment

3) Weatherproofing Installation (Insulation Jacketing) – All external surface of insulation shall have a weather barrier finish to keep insulation dry and provide mechanical protection

4) Plug Installation – The use of inspection plugs is applicable only for hot insulated surface of piping & equipment

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Injury and Damage 1. As a result of incorrect information 1. Obtain correct PTW, training in PTW system, Daily basis Pre-start meeting such as TBM and TBT

2. Safety induction to new employees, specialized training to job pre start meeting, TBM, mandatory use of PPE, and method of specific activities etc.

Irritation of eye and skin 1. Can cause by cellular glass particles. it also affect throat and nose. 1. When handling with the cellular glass use safety precaution like; gloves, coverall, dust mask, etc.

2. Training to employee for safe handling.

3, In cramped or enclosed spaces where fiberglass insulation is generally installed.

4. Proper ventilation is to be needed.

5. Provide MSDS, and display at the work place

PPE 1. Lack of awareness for handling fiberglass insulation 1. Safety glasses to be worn at all times on work place.

2. A full face shield with safety glasses or goggles si to be worn when cutting materials

3. Wear gloves to protect hands from excess heat during hot weather.

4. Ear protection shall be worn in all areas where noise exposure is likely to be in excess of 85dB for a period of greater than 8 hours.

5. Copies of MSDS must be present  in 3(three) location. a)office b)Storage area b)work place

6. Supervisor / Foreman should discussed about the MSDS and must be fully

Falls of Personnel 1. A person can be injured in a fall or falling object.

2. Lack of training in working at height

1. Barricading is to be erected when there is risk of falling from height

2. Around fall protection systems are to be in where personnel are exposed to a fall hazard that is assessed as having the potential to cause injury

3. All workers must have a work at height training conducted 

4. All workers must have 100% tie-in full body harness for  work  at height

Fire 1. Can occur that is as a result of an ignition source 1. Insulation work to be done where possible away from the potential fuel source.

2. Material equipment shall be handled by trained and qualified

Electrocution, Equipment Damage 1. Can occur that a person use damaged tools

2. Inadequate insepction for equipment and tools

1. All hand tools will be kept in good repair and used only for the intended purpose.

2. Any damaged or faulty  equipment must be removed from site immediately.

3. All power tools and extension cords shall be inspect and color coded for the month

4. All guards and protective devices shall be remain attached and in proper working order

5. All cords shall be protected from damage and elevated to prevent trip hazards.

6. Power to electrical equipment shall be run through earth leakage detection circuits (GFCI) and shall be providing for all out lets to protect employees from electrical shock

7. Never use home made or makeshift tools and never modify or alter a tools

Pollution 1. Failure of disposal of materials 1. Clean up all expired packaging, wrap up in plastic bag

2. Housekeeping shall be done on regular intervals

3. Good housekeeping preventing the work area/ site hazards free

4. Dispose of residue in sealed plactic bag

배관, 기계 보온작업에는 작업대 준비가 사전에 충분히 검토되고 고려되어야 합니다.

보온작업이라는 것이 후속작업으로 이미 구성된 기계장치에서 작업하기 때문에 비계 설치는 필수적입니다.

보온작업이 계획되어 있으세요? 작업대 확인하세요~!!^^

한가지 더, Pre-Comm. 이 진행되고 있다면 작업 전 점검 및 작업계획 수립이 선행되어야만 합니다.



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