Description – Plaster is a thin layer of mortar applied over the masonry surface and it acts as a damp-proof coat over the brick masonry work. Plastering also provides a finished surface over the masonry that is firm and smooth hence it enhances the appearance of the building.
Hazard Category | Hazards | Controls |
Injury & Damage | 1. As a result of incorrct information | 1. Obtain correct permit to work, training in PTW system daily basis. 2. Safety induction to new employees. specialized to specific job 3. Talk to explain JSA to all employees by pre-start meeting TBM and TBT, etc. |
Falling objects from height | 1. Improper storage of materials 2. Stored materials as over load on platform | 1. Always stored on a wooden pallet 2. Do not over load the pallet or platfrom 3. Only one load at a time is to be shifted and un-loaded. No dual loads allowed to shift 4. Area need to be provided physical barricade with signboard and pipes 5. Control the vehicle and equipment entry to the storage area and work site. |
Collision or Damage | 1. Can ocur that material transportation do not comply with proedures. 2. Failure of Control for material transportation | 1. Only trained and certified fork lift operator shall be allowed to transport the hollow bricks. 2. Only use the fork lift as per marked capacity of the equipment 3. Ise the equipment only in accordance to the manufacture’s recommendation 4. Back-up alarm shall be provided for all heavy equipments to warn the surrounding workers. 5. Make sure that use flagman for all movements 6. Only trained personnel to work around the equipment |
Slops, Trips and Falls | 1. Can ocur use of inadequate equipment on working at height such as ladders and scaffolding | 1, Proper working platform and scaffold shall be used for working at height 2. Fall protection equipment must be used 3. Good housekeeping a place for everything and all materials must be keeping in right place, materials not obstruction for access 4. Ladder shall be installed in a safe location and it must be extend 3 feet from the platform 5. Secure the ladder properly with clamps 6. Work platfrom shall be clear of unnecessary tools and materials |
Hand injury and Electrocution | 1. Can occur that tools don’t have a inspection prior to start a work. 2. Who use improper tools and method of using tools | 1. All hand tools will be kept in good repair and used only for the intended purpose 2. All tools shall be inspect and color coded for the month 3. All guards and protective devices shall be remain attached and in proper working order. 4. All cords shall be protected from damage and eleveted to prevent trip hazards 5. GFCI shall be provide for all out lets 6. Tools shall be properly stored when not in use 7. Not allow to use a home-made tool |
Collapse | 1. Inadequate storage of CHB (Concrete Hollow Blocks) 2. Failure of control for equipment or persons entry | 1. All brick works shall be set out and built in accordance to the respective dimension, thicknesses, and height shoun on the drawing 2. All workers must comply with method of statement for work and be aware of work hazards 3. Keep maximum height to be built in one day not more than 1.5 meters 4. Area shall be barricaded to aboid any unauthorized entry to work area 5. Warning sign shall be provided to warn the workers 6. Limited access zone shall be established prior to start the work to restrict to entry by employees |
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공사현장을 대표하는 이미지를 갖고 있으나 그 뒤에는 많은 사고 사례를 갖고있는 공종입니다. 작업대부터 시작하여 다양한 사고 사례가 있는데, 힘든 노동일을 전제로 하기 때문에 요즘은 거의 대부분 근로자가 외국인으로 이루어져 있습니다. 한국 사람은 찾기 힘들죠!!
자재값과 물량은 정해있으니, 인건비에서 아껴야 한다는 수입구조 때문입니다. 인건비를 아끼기 위해서는 1인당 소화해야하는 물량이 많아야 하구요. 그렇기 위해서는 업무 속도를 올려야합니다. 안전을 뒷전으로 넘기기 쉽게 되죠!!
안전하게 작업을 하고 싶어서 할 수 없는 구조… 뭔가 좋은 대책이 나왔으면 좋겠네요. 모두 상생할 수 있는 방법으로….
최근 요소수 부족현상 때문에 다들 걱정이 많네요. 잘 해결되었으면 하는 마음으로…. 일요일을 보냅니다.
삼악산 ( 三岳山) 높이는 655.82m. 주봉(主峰)은 용화봉 강원특별자치도 춘천시로 의암댐 바로 서쪽에 있으며, 북한강으로 흘러드는…