Risk Assessments

28. Operating Cranes (Pedestal or Tower)

28. Operating Cranes (Pedestal or Tower)

A crane is an item of plant intended for raising or lowering a load and moving it horizontally including the supporting struture of the crane and its foundations.

There are a range of ‘fixed’ (tower, bridge, gantry, portal boom, vessel-mounted) and ‘mobile’ (slewing, non-slewing, vehile loading) cranes.

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Overloading 1. Caused by exceeding the operating capacity or operating radii, or by failure of safety devices

1. Operators shall not attempt to lift or move a load which is outside the capabilities of the crane

2. All loads shall be marked with their SWL. which shall not be exceeded under any circumstances.

3. Operators shall make an assessment of the load to be maneuvered, keeping in mind the capabilities of the crane

Collisioin 1. Caused by striking structures with the cane boom, etc

1. A safe method of work shall be implemented for all lifts

2. Clear visibility shall be maintaned at all times during the lift proedures, either by the operator himself or by the use of a banksman

3. Any collision incidents shall be reported immediately and an incident report.

Operation Mistake 1. Cause by impaired / restricted vision, poor eyesight and/or inadequate training

1. Only qualified crane operators shall be used to operate cranes

2. Operators shall ensure that suitable observation of the task in hand is maintained at all times.

3. A banksman shall be used to supply the rane operator with suitable information via the use of hand signals, or radio ontat. If it is not possible for the rane operator to see the load.

Loss of Load 1. Caused by failure of lifting tackle or unsafe sling procedure caused by inadequate training and/or lack of knowledge of the task

1. Personnel underaking slinging operations shall be suitable tained and ensure that they do not operate outside their own apabilities

2. Lifting equipment shall be perodically tested and carry a current test certifiate.

3. Personnel shall visually inspet all lifting equipment prior to use

유튜브를 통해서 많은 크래인 재해사례가 있습니다.


Download link  ->  Guidelines for general-guide-for-cranes


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