Risk Assessments

30. Operating Mobile Cranes

30. Operating Mobile Cranes

A crane is an item of plant intended for raising or lowering a load and moving it horizontally including the supporting struture of the crane and its foundations.

There are a range of ‘fixed’ (tower, bridge, gantry, portal boom, vessel-mounted) and ‘mobile’ (slewing, non-slewing, vehile loading) cranes.

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Over Turning 1. Caused by weak support, operating outside machines capabilities and/or by striking obtructions

1. Operator shall assess the workface to ensure that the area is safe and that potential structural hazards can be suitably eliminated and/or controlled

2. Worksite plans shall be required to establish any weak areas of support, i.e. cellars, drains, dyke, et.

Overloading 1. By exceeding the operating capacity, operating radii, or by failure of safety devices

1. All loads shall be suitably maked with their SWL. This shall never be exceeded.

2. The operator shall make a suitable assessment of the load to be maneuvered, keeping in mind the capabilities of the crane

3. Only trained/competent personnel shall operate the crane

Collision 1. With other cranes, overhead cables or structures

1. PPE – works assessment shall be by a responsble person to establish a suitable and safe method of working

2. Adequate communication shall be maintained with operationrs of adjacent cranes

Operator Error 1. Caused from impaired/ restricted vision, poor eyesight and/or inadequate training

1. Pperators shall ensure that suitable observation of the task in hand is maintained at all times

2. A banksman shall be used to supply the crane operator shall be familiar with the signals used

3. Radios shall be utilized where the banksman and crane operator can not maintain visual contact

Loss of Load 1. From failure of lifting tackle or unsafe slinging procedure caused by inadequate training and/or lack of knowledge of the task in hand

1. Personnel undertaking slinging operations shall be suitably trained and ensure that they do not operate outside their own capabilities

2. Personnel shall ensure that all loads are suure prior to lifts

3. All slinging equipment shall be inspected every time before use

4. All slinging equipment shall be tested and examined (by an independent test house) on a six monthly basis

Inadequate Communication and Method of Work 1. Serious accidents/ incidents can occur if a ‘Safe System of Work’ has not been implemented for the lifting operation 1.Tool box meeting shall be held prior to the lifting operation to ensure that everyone is aware of the method of work and their responsibilities

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