Risk Assessments

32. Operating Over Head Cranes

32. Operating Over Head Cranes

An overhead crane is a piece of gear, that permits you to lift and move weighty materials starting with one area then onto the next in an exact way. 

Overhead cranes are a fast way to move and transport different loads in many industries. It consists in parallel runways with a travelling bridge. The hoist travels along the bridge and helps save time and money to handlers and companies.

Check point!!

1. Maintenance is important – make a crane inspection every time

2. Check that the rane hook has no obstacles

3. The overhead crane operator and the rest of the employees must be aware

4. Ouick overhead crane safety tips while using it

5. Check overhead crane limits

6. Test lifting equipment

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Loss of Load 1. This is all too common occurrence caused by the incorrect slinging of a load, or a lack of knowledge and skill by the operator (Operator error)

2. This could have serious consequences if the load is dropped onto a dangerous item of equipment (i.e. portable buring equipment) or personnel. 

1. All loads shall be securely slung within the specification of standards and relevant approved codes of practice in place at that time

2. Only riggers (or trained personnel are permitted to operate the overhead cranes).

3. All “Loss of Load” incident or “Near Misses” shall be reported immediately. 

4. All personnel shall be advised of lifts overhead.

Failure of lifting equipment 1. Slings, chains and ropes can fail easily if not handled, stored, and used in the correct manner and if not inspected and tested on a regular basis 1.All rigging equipment shall be tested periodically and test records kept up to date by competent personnel.

2. Lifting equipment shall never be used outside its “SWL (Safe Working Load)” 

3. Rigging equipment shall be thoroughly inspected before and after use to identify any defects that may be present (i.e. burnt slings, kinked strops, etc.) and correctly stored. 

4. Only riggers (or tained personnel) are permitted to operate the overhead cranes. 

Striking Objects 1. This can occur if the operator is not fully alert while moving items within the fabrication shop. 1. Operator shall ensure that his intended route of travel is clear of all potential hazards and that surrounding personnel are adviced of operators intentions.

2. Operator shall also ensure that the load is carried in a manner that can be controlled. 

Sudden/ Uncontrolled Load Movement 1. Can occur if operator press the wrong button or the button too hard. 1. Only riggers (or trained personnel) may operate the overhead cranes.

2. ETME care shall be taken in the selection and operate of controls 

3. Operators shall maintain control of the load when in motion. 

Operator Error 1. Can occur if operator press the wrong button or the button too hard. 1. Only trained “Competent” personnel shall be permitted to use the overhead cranes.

2. Personnel shall attend an approved overhead crane course if required to operate the overhead cranes. 

3. Under no circumstances shall untrained personnel be permitted to use the overhead cranes. 

제 경우, Overhead Crane (호이스트)를 사용보다는 설치 공사를 주로 경험했습니다.

대부분의 공장은 Overhead Crane 을 사용하고 잇으며, 규모의 차이가 있습니다.

설치 작업 후 시운전을 실시하는데, 이 때에는 조작하는 사람 외에는 누구도 접근해서는 안될 것 입니다. 

상부에서 대기하는 사람이 있는데, 이 분들도 당연하게 바닥으로 내려와서 멀리 떨어져 있어야 합니다.

잘못된 설계 또는 시공으로 낙하 또는 충돌사고가 적지않게 발생되고 있으니 참고하세요.


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