Risk Assessments

33. Operating Pipe Cutting

33. Operating Pipe Cutting

Regarding cutting pipes, any piece of cutting equipment can be dangerous if not operated properly. 

Operators are responsible for the safe operation of this equipment.

The operator must carefully read and follow any warnings, safety signs and instructions provided with or located on the equipment.

Do not remove, defeat, deface or render inoperable any of the safety devices or warnings on this equipment. 

IF any safety devices or warnings have been removed, defeated, defaced or rendered inoperable, 


Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Entanglement of Operator 1. Can occur in the turning mechanism itself, or by clothing, etc. Being caught around any rotating pipes. 1. Operators shall fence the danger area to pervent access to unauthorized person

2. Loose clothing shall not be worn when operating machinery with exposed rotating parts. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall be worn  at all times.

3. Only qualified and trained person shall operate machinery. 

4. Signs and barriers shall be erected to advise other personnel of the potential hazard. 

5. All machinery shall be isolated when not in use. 

Cuts to Hands 1. Can occur if personnel come into contact with the machinery itself, either when removing pipes etc. or when cleaning the machine itself. 1. PPE shall be worn at all times when operating and maintaining the machinery.

2. Special cut resistant gloves are abailable upon request from the stores and are recommended when handling sharp materials. However, they do not offer resistance to oils, water and solvents, etc. and therefore suitable rubber gloves shall be worn over the cut resistant glove.

3. Personnel shall ensure all cuts etc. are treated immediately by a trained first aider. 

Tripping Hazard Form Cable 1. Can occur if operating lead is not securely placed and/or located. 1. Operators shall ensure that all trailing cables are located/placed in such a way so as not to prevent a hazard.

2. Protective barriers and/or signs shall be erected to advise other personnel of the potential hazard where cables cannot be removed from walkways. 

Dermatitis 1. Can occur through continuous contact with cutting oils and/or lubricants. 1. Operators shall ensure that suitable and sufficient PPE is worn when operating this machinery.

2. Substance data sheet shall be on hand and operators aware fo the emergency action in the event of an accident. 

Foreign Bodies in Eyes 1. Can occur from items which may be projected/ ejected from the machinery.

2. It must be remembered that “The eye is not only irreplaceable but also the sofest point of entry to the brain.” 

1. The eTEC operates a mandatory eye protection policy, Eye protection shall be worn at all times.

배관 절단은 다양한 방법이 있습니다.

어떤 작업 방법을 선택하느냐에 따라서 그 안전대책도 달라져야 겠습니다.

무엇보다도 절단에 필요한 장비 점검이 우선시 되어야 하니, 꼭 확인하시길 바랍니다.



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