Risk Assessments

34. Operating Pneumatic Hand Tools

34. Operating Pneumatic Hand Tools

Pneumatic tools are powered by compressed air. Common types of these air-powered hand tools that are used in industry include buffers, nailing and stapling guns, grinders, drills, jack hammers, chipping hammers, riveting guns, sanders and wrenches.

Using safe pneumatic hand tools

  • Review the manufacturer’s instruction before using a tool.
  • Wear safety glasses or goggles, or a face shield (with safety glasses or goggles), and, where necessary, safety shoes or boots and hearing protection.
  • Post warning signs where pneumatic tools are used. Set up screens or shields in areas where nearby workers may be exposed to flying fragments, chips, dust, and excessive noise.
  • Ensure that the compressed air supplied to the tool is clean and dry. Dust, moisture, and corrosive fumes can damage a tool. An in-line regulator filter and lubricator increases tool life.
  • Keep tools clean and lubricated, and maintain them according to the manufacturers’ instructions.
  • Use only the attachments that the manufacturer recommends for the tools you are using.
  • Be careful to prevent hands, feet, or body from injury in case the machine slips or the tool breaks.
  • Reduce physical fatigue by supporting heavy tools with a counter-balance wherever possible.

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Hearing Damage 1. Personnel can suffer both short and long term hearing problems caused by continued exposure to high noise levels. 1. Personnel shall wear hearing protection at all times when noise levels exceed – 85dB

2. A noise assessment shall be carried out to establish the levels of noise for which personnel are being exposed. 

Vibration White Finger 1. Personnel can suffer a long term health problem known as “Vibration white finger” through the continuous use of vibrating “Hand held tools”. The vibration of the tools travels through the fingers and hands, interrupting the blood circulation, Which eventually can stop the blood from circulation to the ends of the fingers, resulting in the fingers or finger tips becoming stiff and pale. 1. Operators shall wear gloves to absorb some of the vibration waves and in turn reduce the possibilities of health problems.

2. Personnel who are operating a pneumatic hand tool for long periods shall ensure they exercise the fingers and hand at intervals to ensure the blood is circulating freely. 

High Pressure Air 1. Serious injuries can occur during operating through the uncontrolled disconnection of high pressure air lines, not only will the air line proceed to “Whip Around” in an uncontrolled manner, which could in turn result in physical personnel injuries, but skin contact with high pressure air itself can create serious health problems as air bubbles can be forced through the skin pores into the blood stream. 1.Personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be worn at all times, i.e. gloves, safety boots, overalls, eye and face protective, etc.

2. “Whip Lines” and/or “R” Clips shall be fitted at all connection points along the airline to prevent the airline from disconnecting. 

Equipment Damage 1. Serious injury can occur if equipment is not maintained and inspected on a regular basis. 1. All equipment shall be maintained and inspected on a regular/routine basis to satisfy legal obligations

2. Operators shall visually examine all tools and equipment prior to use to ensure that it is free from any damage. 

3. Damaged tools and equipment shall be removed from service immediatelly and a damage report actioned. 

4. Personnel shall not attempt to repair equipment themselves under any circumstances. 

Eye Injuries 1. Can occur through the release and or production of dust, grit and/or sparks when operating pneumatic hand tools. 1. Eye protective is a eTEC requirement and shall be worn at all times.

2. Goggles and/or full face shield shall be worn when operating pneumatic hand tools. 

3. Safety screens shall be erected (where necessary) to protect other personnel. 

아래 링크를 통해서 동영상을 보실 수 있습니다. 동영상은  호주에서 산업재해에 관하여 공익광고로 제작된 영상입니다.

타정기 (타카) 사용 중 사고발생을 재연한 영상입니다.

공기압축기(컴퓨레샤) 등을 이용하여 사용하는 수공구는 개인보호구 착용이 절대 필수적인 작업 입니다.



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