Risk Assessments

37. Piping or Equipment Installation

37. Piping or Equipment Installation

Please refer to the 36. Piping Installation in JSA (위험성평가).

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Injury to personnel or property damage 1. Can occur that do not comply with PTW or procedures 1. Obtain correct permit to work, task supercisor to conduct TBM on daily basis and discuss all relevant hazard to the job and the JSA and sign attendance sheet

2. Confirmed that procedures and all associated documents are approved and available 

Falls of Person 1. Every employee can get serious by falling man or object 1. Appropriate PPE such as safety helmet, safety glass, gloves and safety shoes shall be worn by all employees.

2. All workers that will go on elevated area (1.5 meters) must wear full body harness and always 100% tie-off 

3. Ensure proper wind-up and housekeeping at work place. All work area is to be kept clean and free from tripping hazards. 

4. All unused materials shall be lowered to ground after the work is completed. 

Lacerations, Bruising 1. Can occur that are struck by hand tools 1. Hand tools are only to be used for their intended purpose, no improvised tools  on site.

2. Used the correct tools, size and type for the job. 

3. Inspect tools regularly for sign of damage or wear. ensure that any worn or damage tools are withdrawn from service and replaced. 

4. Never use attachment for leverage unless specifically design for its use. 

5. Tools are to be secured by wrist straps or lanyard where there is a risk of falling from height. Never throw tools. 

Failure to mobilize men and material 1. Can occur that engaging unskilled and inexperienced workers or use of defective tools and equipment. 1. Hired skilled and experienced workers who must undergo HSE induction by HSE personnel.

2. Inspect tools, maintain color coding and discard damage tools. 

3. Ensure that all workers know control method of tools and equipment. 

4. Ensure effective supervision and conduct thorough inspection. 

Faulty Lifting Equipment 1.Rigging failure, swinging, rigging overload, failure of sling due to cutting by sharp end of the load.
2. Inadequate crane positioning
1. Documented monthly inspection and inspection prior to use, two tag lines must be used, rigging size for intended load and rigging configuration.

2. Used of softener in every rough or sharp edges. 

3. Crane must position on stable ground and put the  outrigger pad. 

4. Crane out-rigger must be on the top of the beam so that the weight will be on the beam. 

Falls of Personnel 1. Lack of experience on the man lift operator. 1. 100% tie-off is a “must” when working in elevated platform, wear full body harness when working at 1.8 meter and above.

2. Daily inspection chechlist of man lift must be filled up before operation. 

3. Be sure on the anchorage point, if installed life line it must be tested that it capable to bear a 500lbs load. 

Fire 1. Damage eye sight from cutting chips, sparks and grinding particles, fire from the ignition source during hot works. pinch point. 1. Use of proper PPE for the hot work activity.

2. Face shield with the correctly tinted screens and always double eye protection used of safety glass and welding mask. Hot work must be done where possible away from potential fuel source. 

3. Work strictly in accordance with the hot work permit condition. 

4. Have a suitable fire extinguisher available. 

Failure of Using Lifting Gears 1. Used of insufficient lifting gear with low capacity 1. Provede a safe anchorage for the chain block. Keep away from pitch point area.

2. Used only an approved lifting gear that was assigned to use by a competent person only. 

3. Attached the chain block in an apporoved anchorage point 

JSA를 활용하실 때에 다른 작업에 관한 사항도 같이 참조가 필요합니다.

전반적으로 관련된 단위작업 확인해보시길 바랍니다.



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