Installing concrete is a challenging job and every concrete pour is different. Size, shape, color, finish and complexity of a project all have to be considered when pouring concrete.
Concrete construction accidents can happen in many different ways. When working on or around concrete, you need to be continually vigilant to ensure you work as safely as possible. Some common mishaps that can cause concrete construction accidents include:
Hazard Category | Hazards | Controls |
Electrocution | 1. Can occur use of improper power tools or wet condition in work place | 1. All power cables must be kept good condition after use. 2. Don’t allowed any cables laying in a wet floors 3. Barricade the site for restriction of person to curing as well as wet floor. 4. Tools and equipment are to be returned to the relevant store or container after used. |
Vehicle accident | 1. Can occur over speed driving at the site 2. During Transporting the load at the site | 1. Observe speed limit and practice defensive driving techniques. 2. Suspend transportation until conditions improve from poor visibility, fog, and smoke, etc. 3. Use qualified flag man 4. Vehicle or equipment shall be provided with back tracking alarm to alert personnnel on site. |
Falls of Personnel or Object | 1. Can occur a fall from height place without use of PPE 2. Can occur a falling object from plat forms 3. Fallen object during scaffold dismantling | 1. Ensure all tools tied up with lanyard or use tools bags or bucket 2. Barricade the working area 3. Fall protection is mandatory to all workers 4. Working plat forms must be equipped with complete floors, guard rails, and toe boards |
Eye and Hand Injury | 1. Can occur flying particles during bolt installation 2. Hand iinjury from pinch point and sharp objects | 1. Perovide proper access and egress to the working area 2. Ensure the access is free from any obstruction 3. To avid injury tha tmight happen during fall of materials an adequate PPE is necessary for the task 4. Cap all pointed rebar around the area 5. Keep the area free from obstruction 6. Arrange all materials properly
Sips, Trips, and Falls | 1. Cause by pool housekeeping 2. Inadequate storage of materials | 1. Ongoing at all times as you work the area shall be cleaned and unwanted materials to be remove 2. Tools and equipment are to be returned to the relevant store or container after used. 3. Materials not in used should be return to staging area for safe keeping |
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삼악산 ( 三岳山) 높이는 655.82m. 주봉(主峰)은 용화봉 강원특별자치도 춘천시로 의암댐 바로 서쪽에 있으며, 북한강으로 흘러드는…