Risk Assessments

41. Removal of Floor Gratings

41. Removal of Floor Gratings

Prior to grating removal and the start of work, a person in charge will review the procedures and protective measures required by the permit.

The removal of floor gratings on elevated structures during construction works have a high potential of falling to workers and consequently, Death or undesired injuries, and the most such incident of falling occurs due to the following reasons :

  • The grating was not securely fastened and became loose during nearby activity (e.g. demolition of nearby equipment)
  • Missing or ineffective safeguards – e.g. grating was not inspected after severe weather.
  • The material used for gratings, supporting structure, or fixings did not meet standards/specifications.
  • The replacement grating was not fitted correctly.
  • Gratings, supporting structures, or fixings were in poor condition due to age, poor maintenance, or corrosion.

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Falls of Personnel 1. Can occur if the holes created from the removed gratings are not suitably protected 1. Personnel shall wear harness and/or inertia reels during the removal process unless other suitable fall protection has been provided.

2. Area around open gratings shall securely guarding and/or fenced so as to reduce any possibility of falls of personnel.

3. Barrier tape shall also be used around the hole to highlight the potential hazard. 

Fire of Materials/ Tools 1. Can occur by hand materials and tools, etc. Being accidentally dropped through the gratings during the grating removal process. 1. Personnel shall ensure that access/egress below the area of grating removal is restricted so as to reduce any possibility of injury to personnel.

2. Where restricted access impedes any emergency escape route, a suitable alternative route shall be implemented and all personnel advised as to the alternative arrangements (at TBM preferably) 

Falls of Gratings 1. Can occur if graigns being removed are not controlled and/or sucure. 1. The use of rigging equipment to remove gratings shall be considered as the first method of work.

2. Dual lifts shall be used wherever possible so as to ensure better control of the grating being removed. 

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