43. Spray Painting

Spray painting is a painting technique in which a device sprays coating materials through the air onto a surface. The most common types employ compressed gas to atomize and direct the paint particles.

Air gun spraying uses generally equipment. It is typically used for covering large surfaces with an even coating of liquid. (from wikipedia)

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Overexposure to Fumes 1. Can occur when personnel are spray painting in confined spaces and/or when they are not wearing the correct personal protective equipment (PPE). 1. Supervisors shall ensure that personnel are supplied with the correct PPE, That they are suitable tained in its use and that they wear it at all times during spray painting.

2. A safe system of work shall be implemented whenever personnel are carrying out spray painting, especially when working in confined spaces or where conflicting activities are being carried out, i.e. welding, burining, etc. 

3. Supervisors shall be ensure that suitable emergency procedures have been implemented prior to all work in case of overexposure or any other accidents/incidents. 

Fire and/or Explosions 1. Can occur through the ignition of materials coated with paint overspray or by the ignition of flammable vapors in the atmosphere. 1. Supervisors shall ensure that all paints used during spraying operations are non-flammable (where possible).

2. Personnel shall ensure that the highest levels of housekeeping are maintained at all times and all waste materials and debris disposed of on a routine basis. 

3. Extraction shall be implemented where could be a build up of flammable or explosive paint vapors. 

4. Any vapors shall be extracted to a safe area, i.e. away from sources of ignition. 

High pressure air line breakage 1. Serious injuries can occur through failure of high pressure air lines and/or connectors. 1. Supervisors shall ensure that all equipment meets the required standards and acops.

2. All connections on an airline shall be fitted with “R” clips and whip line. 

3. Airlines and/or hoses shall be inspected on a daily basis to ensure that there are no defects, etc. 

4. All airlines shall be isolated when not in use. 

Tripping Hazard from Airlines 1. Can occur when air lines, etc. are routed across access/egress routes. 1. Air lines, etc. shall be routed overhead and not obstruct access/egress routes.

2. Scaffolding boards shall be laid either side of the air line for protection and barriere tapes used to highlight the potential hazard, If running across an access/egress route. 

Compressed Air 1. Serious injuries can occur through contact with compressed air. 1. Personnel involved in the spray painting operation shall be competent to carry out the worker and aware of the dangers involves with compresses air.

2. Emergency procedures shall be implemented prior to all activities in case of an accident/incident 

3. All airlines shall be isolated when not in use. 

Dermatitis and/or Skin Disease 1. It is well known that continuos contact with paints and solvents will cause dermatitis and/or other skin disorders including skin sensitisation 1. Personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be provided to personnel involved in spray painting operation and any other persons whom may be affected by the operation.

2. Personnel shall wear the necessary PPE at all times during the spray painting operation. 

3. Personnel shall wash their hands and face thoroughly after paint spraying operations to remove any paint or solvent contaminants off the skin. 


개인보호구, 작업대 확인은 필수입니다. 

산업안전보건법에서는 특수건강검진 대상자로 검강검진도 같이 확인이 필요합니다.

외적인 사항으로 도장작업 스프레이의 경우에는 외부로 비산되는 입자로 현장 외부의 민원 문제가 발생.

주변 작업 조건 등도 확인하셔야 합니다.



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