Risk Assessments

45. Testing of Batteries Charger

45. Testing of Batteries Charger

A battery is an energy source and care has to be observed in handling them. 

Batteries must not pose any danger to people, not even under extreme conditions.

They should therefore be evaluated thoroughly before being put into use with an effective set of battery tests.

The tests ensure that batteries fulfil legal, industry and manufacturer requirements.

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Injury to personnel / property damage 1. As a result of low safety awareness or  incorrect information 1. Obtain correct Permit To Work.

2. Task supervisor to conduct   Pre- start meeting on daily basis and discuss all relevant hazard to the job with the crew and what corrective action are required before/during and at completion of job and sign  attendance sheet. 

3. Task Supervisor to explain JSA(Job Safety Analysis) to all employees and sign attendances sheet.  

4. Confirm that procedures and other associated documents are approved and available. 

Serious or Fatal Injuries 1. By flying/falling/sharp object. 1. Appropriate PPE (Personnel Protective Equipment) such as Safety Helmet, Safety Glasses, Leather Gloves, and Safety Shoes shall be worn by all employees.

2. Insulation Gloves shall be worn when required. 

Slips and Trips 1. Inadequate access and poor visibility 1. Ensure proper wind up and housekeeping at work place.

2. All work areas are to be kept clean and free of tripping hazards.  

3. Adequate lighting for night work is to be provided or when lighting is poor. 

Eletricution 1. Personnel can get electric shock/electrocution while Testing in progress. 1. Ensure that safety barriers and appropriate warning signs for Electrical Hazards are placed and stand by man (electrician) is assigned at the place of test to monitor and control unauthorised personnel entry.

2. All the Testing equipment must be barricade with proper Electrical hazard signs.

Electric Shock/Electrocution 1. Personnel can get electric shock/electrocution while test is in progress 1. Testing will be based on manufacturer’s requirements in accordance with project specification. Before energization complete the grounding connection of the Battery / UPS rack.

2. Ensure test equipment is available with valid calibration certificate. 

3. Ensure that the area is barricaded and stand By man will be available to stop any personnel entry inside barricaded area. 

4. The following test will be carried out after above inspection. 
    • Energization of the battery Charger – 480 Volt  
    • Testing of Alarm by simulation and Battery charger function. – 480 Volt 
    • Charging the Battery – 115 Volt DC 30 Ampere 
    • Discharge the Battery with an external load bank – 115 Volt Dc 38 Ampere. 

5. A visual inspection must be done to ensure the following. 
    • Inspect all mechanical indicating devices for correct operation. 
    • Inspect physical damage, cracked insulation, broken leads, tightness of connections, wiring and overall general condition. 

Fire 1. Can occur during the test operation 1. A trained Fire watch must be assigned during the Test to kill the fire in the initial stage.

2. 10 kg DCP or CO2 Fire extinguisher must be readily available at test area. 

제 주변의 전기 전문가는 전기를 가장 무서워합니다.

너무 잘 알아서 그런가봅니다.

전기를 모르는 사람은 전기 위험에 많이 두려워 하지 않고, 막연하게 위험하다 정도로 인식하고 있죠!!

눈에 보이지도 않고, 만져지지도 않고, 냄새도 없는 전기

그래서 더 점검이 필요한 부분입니다~


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