Risk Assessments

46. Tie-in with Existing Substances

46. Tie-in with Existing Substances

Many existing pipeline networks are reaching the end of their design lives and have to be replaced or supplemented by new systems.

The term ‘Tie-in’ is generally used to describe the connection of a pipeline to a facility, to other pipeline systems or the connecting together of different sections of a single pipeline.

It also refers to additions or modifications to existing systems, for example to connect re-construction pipelines, insert Tees, spool pieces, valves etc.

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Lack of understanding Activities 1. inadequate awareness of work activities 1. Conduct TBM (Tool box meeing) by construction supervisor and safety officer.

2. Discuss all relevant hazard to the job and the JSA and sign attendance sheet. 

3. Confirmed that procedures and all associated documents are approved and available. 

4. Obtain correct permit to work 

Failure of Mobilization 1. Can occur that take engaging unskilled and inexperienced workers

2. Inadequate use of defective tools and equipment 

1. Hired skilled and experienced workers who must undergo HSE induction and specific training by HSE personnel

2. Inspect tools, maintain color coding and discard damage tools 

3. Ensure that all workers know control method of tools and equipment. 

4. Ensure PTW is processed by authorized and competent person. 

Harmful fumes and skin irritation 1.Can occur that use and handle improper chemicals 1. MSDS(Materials Safety Data Sheet) is required for all chemicals being brought to site.

2. Copies of MSDS in englishl to ve kept on the job as well as in the store and in office, all personnel working with chemicals are to be briefed on the hazards and provided with the appropriate PPE as described requirement on the MSDS. 

3. Do not store together incompatible chemicals follow MSDS.

4. Proper PPE for the task shall be worn. 

5. An eye wash bottle is to be kept in the working location at all times. 

6. Only qualified and trained personnel will execute the job. 

Fire 1. Can occur that do not comply with chemical requirements such as storage, handling etc. 1. Do not stored togerther incompatible chemicals, following MSDS

2. All chemical shall be stored in covered area. 

3. Fire extinguisher ABC type should be available at the working and store area. 

4. Left over should be disposed safely according to the MSDS proper chemical disposal instruction. 

5. Work strictly in accordance with the hot work permit condition. 

6. Hot work must be done where possible away from potential fuel source. 

Injury 1. Lack of information about the tie-in activity

2. Simultaneous operation on the area 

1. Advance information about the tie-in work in the area by informing the authorized party

2. Describe clearly in the permit the description of work to be done. 

3. Confirmed the valve needed to closed or the valve needed to open at all time by the construction supervisor and finalized by the authorized person. 

4. Construction supervisor is the one who will control any simltaneous operation, give the priority to urgent work. 

5. Job execution must be done always in accordance with the approved specification procedure. 

Explosion 1. Can occur that perform hydro testing of pipe due to simultaneous activity of other worker in the area

2. Wrong line tested. 

1. Supervisor to assess current activities if there are only works in progress in the immediate area they must be notified.

2. Supervisor should communicate with other supervisor in charge of other workers for the suitable time to commence the hydro testing in the scheduled location. 

3. Only one activity at a time, supervisor to supervisor of the group to discuss the work priority 

4. Supervisor to identify pipline, work package to be supplied and the area shall be isolated. 

5. Obtain clearance to work and tag-out such as lock out tag out (LOTO), follow recommended safety procautions 

6. Barricade the area to prevent the uncontrolled movement. (KEEP AWAY IN PROGRESS) 

Spill and Trips 1. Can occur that do not confirm the hoses capacity 1. Check connections keep the hoses tidy and orderly.

2. Ensure the hoses capacity. 

3. Pressure the pipe in sequence as  per approved procedure 

4. Released pressure slowly and stand away from discharge area. 

Injury and Damage Property 1. Can occur that incorrect fitting will cause uncontrolled released of large energy 1. Inspection all equipment and fittings prior to use.

2. Ensure that the required PSV are installed on the manifold before pressurizing 

3. Place isolation valve at point where the temporary test piping connects to the equipment piping. 

4. Open all vent to prevent excessive vacuums. 

Evacuation 1. Lack of life saving knowledge and adequate procedure 1. In an emergency All work stopped. all equipment must be shut down. all employees are evacuated to emergency assembling point.

2. No one is permitted to return to work until notification has been received from HSE department that is safe to do so. 

LOTO = Lock Out Tag Out

MSDS = Materials Safety Data Sheet

PTW = Permit To Work

TBM = Tool Box Meeting

처음 해외프로젝트에 투입되었을 때, 

함께 일하는 필리핀/인도 친구들이 PTW!!! PTW!!! 

가끔 이야기하는데, 무슨말인가 생각했던 기억이 있네요

플랜트 공사는 영어로 된 약어가 많이 있습니다.

토목/건축 공사는 현장 용어로 일본어가 자주 사용되구요.

건설현장에서 사용되는 약어도 한번 정리해 봐야 겠습니다 ^^

오늘은 눈이 꾀 내리는 날이네요~

4년만에 맞이하는 겨울이 더 추운것 같습니다.

건강관리 잘하세요



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