49. Welding Work

The basic purpose of welding is to join two elements together with a firm connection. Welders typically work with metal or thermoplastic and use durable filler material to bind them together. Welding is used to create many modern constructions in our world, such as skyscrapers, cars, ships and airplanes.

Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Overexposure to Exotic Welding Fumes 1. Exposure to fumes can have immediate and long term health problems. 1. Fume analysis shall be carried out to test levels of fume exposure to welders.

2. Positive pressure welding hoods shall be used whilst working on or in the vicinity of exotic materials.  

3. When working in enclosed/confined spaces, filtered extractors shall be used to remove harmful debris and  fumes from the atmosphere.  

4. Personnel shall wear a safety line when woring in confined spaces (i.e. Inside wessels) and a standby man  shall be located at vessel entranc to assist/raise the alarm in an emergency  

Inhalation Airborne Particles 1. Airborne grinding particulate is known to be carcinogenic,
(Cancer Forming)
1. Arars shall be barriered off or enclosed to protect other personnel and contain the hazard.

2. All personnel involved in the activity shall wear suitable respiratory protection at all times, To protect against  the inhalation of particules.  

3. Filtered extraction shall be used at all times.  

4. The highest levels of housekeeping shall be maintained at all times. The area shall be cleared both before and  after work. 

Contact with Slivers of Metalu 1. Contact will sharp/slivers of metal can result in cuts to the skin. Exotic particles are also known to be carcinogenic. 1. Personnel shall wear gloves at all times when handling exotic materials.

2. Heavy materials shall be moved by mechanical handling devices (Where possible) 

3. Personnel shall ensure that all  cuts are treated immediately by a trained first aider. 

4. Personnel shall seek medical assistance immediately if cuts, etc, become infected. 

Fire and/or Explosion 1. Can occur through poor housekeeping standards, By the presents of flammable cleaning solvents near Hot Work Acticites and heat transfer through metal structures (condition). 1. All chemicals/sovents shall be stored away from hot work in accordance with relevant acops.

2. The highest standards of housekeeping shall be maintained at all times. 

3. Adjacent work areas shall be inspected prior to work commencing to identify and remove potential flammable hazards. 

4. When working in hazardous areas tests shall be carried out to ensure that the atmosphere is free of all flammable vapors and gases. 

Arc eye/ and Flying Particules 1. Damage to the eye is common with welding activities and is a major area of concern to the company.

2. It must be remembered that the is not only irreplaceable but is also the sofest point of entry to the brain 

1. Eye protection is a Mandatory requirement and shall be worn at all times.

2. Welders shall wear safety glassess underneath their welding visors. 

3. Personnel shall not stare at the welding arc for any reason without antiflash glasses. 

4. Barriers shall be erected around the welding operation to protect other personnel from radialtion and eye injuries. 

Burns to the Skin 1 Burns from heat radiation, hot metal spatter, slag or handling hot materials. 1. Full PPE shall be sued at all times, i.e. gloves, overalls, face shieldvisor.

2. Personnel shall be aware of their surroundings and not lean on hot pipework etc. 

3. Personnel shall mark pipework after welding with the words “HOT” to highlight the hazard. 

4. Personnel shall ensure that all burns etc. are treated by a first aider immediately. 

Exposure to high noise levels 1. Personnel can suffer both short and long tern hearing defects when exposed to noise levels exceeding 90 dB. 1. A noise assessment shall be carried out to highlight the levels of noise for which personnel are being exposed. This may be a generic assessment.

2. Personnel shall wear hearing protection at all times when in noisy working environments (above 85dB)

3. Supervisors shall enforce the wearing of hearing protection where required. 

Electrocution/Serious Injury/ Eye,Face & Hand injury 1. Cause by use of power tools without inspections or color coding 1. Only Proper inspected and color coded power tools and extension cords will be allowed to use. competent person will inspect the tools and provide color coding.

2. No one will be allowed to do maintenance or repair power tools, only assigned competent electrician can do it. 

3. Every employee must inspect his power tools before its use and check for defective cables, plug, socket, if any defect found,It shall need to replaced or defect must be rectified before use 


용접작업은 플랜트공사의 가장 중요한 작업입니다. 

용접사는 전문기능직으로 특수건강검진 등을 꼭 받아야만 합니다.

용접작업은 많이 이뤄지고, 그 만큼 위험요인도 많이 갖고 있습니다.

많은 위험요인에서 가장 먼저 생각해야 할 부분은 화기작업으로써 화재, 폭발 등을 생각해 볼 수 있습니다.

제 경험으로 콘크리트 저수조의 FRP 작업을 하던 중에 화재가 발생하여 근로자 4명이 긴급하게 대피한 사고가 있었습니다. 당시 화재의 원인으로 용접을 의심하였는데, 콘트리트 저수조 바깥에서 용접 불티가 4인치 슬리브관을 통해서 떨어져 점화원이 되었을 것으로 추정했었습니다.

화재는 대형 인명사고로 이어질 수 있는 만큼, 용접작업에 있어서 가장 먼저 고려해야 할 사항일 것 입니다.

그 외에도 작업 여건을 점검하고, 적절한 조치가 필요합니다.



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