Safety Issue

Chemical Substances (COSHH, 위험물질관리)

COSHH (Control of Substances Hazarous to Health Regulations)


The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) aim to make the workplace safer by dealing with substances that could be hazardous to your health.  It is important to remember that substances don’t just come in containers they can be produced by processes such as mixing, cutting, heating and maybe present in the ground you are working with.


·  Substances can enter the body by inhalation (breathing in) Ingestion (swallowing) or by direct skin contact through cuts and in some cases unbroken skin.

·  Hazardous substances may include solvents, resins, cement, wood dust, welding fumes etc.

·  Using some substances in a poorly ventilated area may increase the risk of adverse health effects.

Health and Safety Points

·  Do not use any substance without prior information or training about the control measures needed.

·  If Personal Protective Equipment is issued wear it correctly and look after it.

·  A COSHH assessment is not just the information contained on a data sheet or label, consider also how the substance is to be used and for how long.

·  Use any control measures that may be provided ie. Ventilation, dust extraction etc.

·  Don’t drink, eat or smoke whilst handling substances.

·  Good hygiene standards should be practised when working with substances.

·  Be aware of where the washing facilities and first aid points are.

·  Know your COSHH symbols.

·  When you are not using the hazardous substance make sure it is put back into a secure location.

·  The majority of industrial poisoning cases are due to inhalation of gases, vapours, dusts and fibres.

Get all cuts and grazes treated immediately don’t use substances without the right protection.

Control of Substances Hazarous to Health Regulations

MSDS 위험표기

화학물질의 가장 중요한 부분은 어떤 물질이고, 어떤 위험성을 갖고 있는지 표시조치 입니다.

요리를 할 때, 소금과 설탕을 구분하지 못하고 잘 못 넣으면 맛이

달라집니다. 그래서 가정에는 명칭을 적어놓거나 다른 보관통을 사용하죠!! 아이가 있는 집은 아이에게 조미료에 대해서도 가르치죠. 제가 어렸을 때 어머니가 ‘빙초산’을 조심하라고 했던 기억이 있네요.

건설현장 특히, 화공플랜트 현장은 더욱 위험표시가 필요합니다. 알아야 조심하죠!! 위험표지가 없어 화공약품이 섞인 물에 손을 씻는 경우도 발생합니다. 

요즘은 MSDS 물질안전보건교육이 의무사항입니다. 현장에서 사용될 존치될 물질에 대하여 미리 확인하고 교육이 필요한 부분입니다.


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