Safety Issue

Confined Space Work

Confined Space Work

A confined space can be any enclosed area that if unventilated could contain a toxic gas/vapour, or insufficient oxygen to support life.  In many cases the dangers cannot be detected by the senses.  It is important to remember that many deaths occur whilst attempting to rescue from a confined space.


·  Too much or too little oxygen.

·  Presence of toxic and/or flammable atmospheres.

·  Biological hazards for example Weils disease from rats.

·  Physical hazards such as noise, dust, temperature.

·  Structural hazards due to the condition of the confined area.

·  Introduction of existing mechanical or electrical equipment.


Health and Safety Points

·  Before entry a full assessment of the space must be made by a competent person.

·  No person must enter the space without the relevant information, instruction and training.

·  A permit to enter system must be put into operation.

·  You must be fit and healthy to enter a confined space.

·  No entry can be made until monitoring of the space has been carried out depending on the assessment details.

·  No person must enter a confined space without an ‘Observer’ on the outside of the operation.

·  Suitable and adequate rescue equipment must be available at the place of work and in good condition.

·  Rescue equipment may vary from escape equipment to breathing apparatus therefore the training must be in line with the equipment to be used.

·  A person injured in a confined space cannot be rescued unless he is able to communicate his/her condition to the observer, this requirement is the same in any area even if it has been passed as safe to enter.

·  Emergency procedures must be in place before the work can commence.

·  No confined space that has been designated ‘not safe to enter’ can be accessed without breathing apparatus.

·  Before any work is carried out in a confined space contact the safety department/adviser to enable an adequate risk assessment to be made.

·  Wear any protective clothing that has been provided.

·  Don’t eat or drink in a confined space.

·  Smoking is strictly prohibited in any confined area.

·  Any use of naked flame ie. Welding, must be under a hot work permit.

confined space work



밀폐공간작업은 인터넷 상에서도 많은 자료를 찾아보실 수 있을겁니다.

밀폐공간작업의 가장 중요한 점은 계획에 따른 현장 업무 적용(반영)입니다. 아무리 잘 짜여진 계획이라 하더라도 실천으로 옮겨지지 않다면 안좋은 결과를 낳을 수 있습니다.

사전의 근로자에 대한 충분한 교육 및 계획된 현장 실행이 필수적이며, 한 순간의 점검이 아닌 계속적인 모니터링이 중요한 작업입니다.

예전 Fit 내에서 FRP 작업을 하던 중에 원인으로 예상되는 용접불티가 배관 구멍을 타고 떨어져 화재가 난 사고가 있었습습니다. 4명의 근로자는 모두 무사히 밖으로 나와 인명사고는 없었지만, 대형사고로 이어질 수 있었습니다. 

주변의 어떤 작업이 있는지, 밀폐공간작업 주변의 위험요소도 점검을 해주시기 바랍니다. 


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