Safety Issue

PPE (Personal Protective Equip.)

PPE (Personal Protective Equip.)

Personal Protective Equipment commonly referred to as PPE.

PPE is equipment worn to minimize exposure to serious workplace injuries and illnesses.

PPE may include items such as gloves, safety glasses and shoes, ear plugs or muffs, hard hats, respirators, or coveralls, vests and full body harness, etc.



The use of PPE in the form of clothing or equipment should be considered as a last resort to minimize accidents or ill-health.

Construction workers take a lunch break on a steel beam atop the building at Rockefeller Center


The risk posed in any particular work activity must be assessed and adequate PPE where required and selected in accordance with the criteria;

1. Give protection against risk without in itself leading to any increased risk

2. Is suitable for the personnel involved in the work including correct fitting

3. Is in compliance with the work activity

4. Compliance with the permit to work requirements and rules



– Perform an initial and periodic hazard assessment of the workplace to identify and control physical and health hazards, and select PPE

– Identify and provide appropriate PPE for employees

– Maintain PPE, including replacing worn or damaged PPE

– Periodically review, update and evaluate the effectiveness of the PPE program

– Train employees in proper use, maintenance, and fitting, and wearing of PPE, as well as in the limitations of PPE


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