Safety Issue

Safety Helmets (안전모)


The Construction (Head Protection) Regulations require all construction employees and self employed to wear suitable head protection for the work in hand.  The regulations also allow for the person in control of the site to make rules regarding the wearing of head protection.

안전모 착용한 어린이


·   Struck by falling or flying objects.

·   Striking head against objects.

·   Protect injuries by electricity

[Health and Safety Points]

·   Safety helmets are required where any person may be struck by falling materials or where people may hit their heads.

·   All persons working or visiting sites will wear suitable ILO Standard approved safety helmets at all times, whilst on site.  The only exceptions to this rule are.

·   Whilst in site office.

·   Whilst working in a building where there is no risk of being struck by falling objects or striking the head against objects.

·   Any other situations where there is no risk of being hit by falling objects or striking the head against objects where prior permission has been obtained from the site manager in writing.

·   Tower crane drivers operating in the cab.

·   Plant operators operating from within plant fitted with approved overhead protection and wearing the helmet proves to be an encumbrance or is likely to cause danger.

·   Sikhs wearing turbans.

·   With the exception of Sikhs wearing turbans, helmets must be worn when going to and from the place of work, or walking within the Site.

·   Safety helmets must not be modified in any way (eg drilling air vents) this will make them ineffective. Even painting or adding certain types of sticker can weaken the plastic.

·   Safety helmets should never be worn back to front.

·   The life of a safety helmet is usually 2 years.  Check the date inside your helmet which shows the date of manufacture.

·   Do not store your helmet in direct sunlight.  The sun’s rays degrade the plastic very quickly (eg the rear shelf of a car).

·   If your helmet receives a heavy impact replace it immediately.


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