Safety Issue

Safety Rules for Interior and Exterior Wall Painting Workers

▣ Painting Work for Indoor and Outdoor Environments

Painting work involves creating a coating on the surface of construction materials for purposes such as preservation, anti-corrosion, insect prevention, fireproofing, and decoration. This process imparts moisture resistance, weather resistance, and chemical resistance to the materials. Common painting materials include paint, lacquer, varnish, and lacquer. The work is typically carried out using methods such as roller painting, spraying, and brushing. Painting work follows the sequence of surface preparation, painting, and curing, usually performed in three stages: primer, secondary, and finish coating.

Painting work encompasses both interior painting of structural and wooden surfaces and exterior painting of structural walls. It includes steps like material transportation, installation of necessary equipment, and surface treatment.


▣ Hazards and Risks for Painters

During painting work, ladders, trestles, scaffolding, suspended scaffolds, aerial work platforms, or dedicated boarding equipment are used. The most frequent accidents involve workers falling from these heights. Falls can occur due to improper rope attachment, absence of lifelines, or not wearing safety harnesses when using suspended scaffolds. Additionally, accidents can happen if work platforms are not installed or secured properly, leading to falls. Other incidents include falling from the scaffold due to rope loosening or breaking, roof edge pillar damage or failure, and disassembly of safety rails on aerial work platforms. 

Painting work also poses fire risks due to the use of flammable materials. Fires can start if welding sparks ignite thinners during simultaneous painting and welding, or if smoking near painting solvents. Other risks include eye injuries from broken grinding wheels during surface treatment with hand grinders lacking blade covers and collisions with forklifts during material handling. 

▣ Essential Safety Rules for Painting Work

① Store painting materials in safe spaces away from flames.

② Do not conduct painting work near electric motors with rectifiers and always use explosion-proof devices when handling surface treatments and painting equipment.

③ Ensure solvents and coatings are applied only on surfaces without heat.

④ Use explosion-proof lights and sealed switches in paint storage areas.

⑤ Maintain a clean and organized work environment.

⑥ Always wear personal protective equipment such as safety helmets, harnesses, safety glasses, and dust masks while working.

⑦ Position fire extinguishing equipment around the work area to prevent fires.


▣ Safety Rules for Each Stage of Painting Work

Material Transportation and Storage:

· Store materials in a flat, well-ventilated area and ensure proper ventilation if in a confined space.
· Restrict access to authorized personnel only.
· Confirm the absence of fire hazards in storage areas and designate a manager responsible for the materials.
· Ensure qualified operators drive forklifts or material transport vehicles.
· Check for overloading and ensure horizontal and vertical stability to prevent material collapse.

Surface Preparation:

· Inspect the safety of tools like hand grinders before use.
· Use protective guards such as blade covers on hand grinders.
· Wear safety glasses and dust masks.
· Securely fasten upper ropes when using suspended scaffolds and install rope protectors at roof edges.
· Always attach safety harnesses to vertical lifelines.
· Assign supervisors to monitor safety and check the stability of work platforms on scaffolds.

Indoor Painting:

· Wear safety glasses and dust or gas masks.
· Prohibit fire usage in painting areas and ensure fire extinguishers are available.
· Attach ground fault circuit interrupters to power tools used for mixing and ensure safety covers are installed on moving parts like air compressor belts.
· Set up work platforms horizontally when working on inclined surfaces like stairs.
· Check the stability of work platforms on scaffolds..

Outdoor Painting: 

· Inspect the safety of aerial work platforms, including the installation of safety rails, before use.
· Wear safety harnesses and attach them to vertical lifelines during painting.
· Check for damage to suspended scaffold ropes before use and prevent wear on connections.
· Ensure the secure attachment of scaffold ropes to structures with sufficient load-bearing capacity.
· Install separate vertical lifelines and secure safety harnesses to them before starting work.


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