Safety Issue

Site Electricity (전기안전)

Site Electricity

Electricity is essential to power tools, provide lighting and heat it must be respected even the best and safest of installations can cause danger if abused.  Electricity is when all safety precautions have been established and are maintained.  Work on electrical equipment can only be carried out by competent person.

electric safety


·  Electric shock caused by direct contact with the conductors and cables.

·  Contact with uninsulated overhead lines and buried cables.

·  Arcing from uninsulated overhead lines and equipment.

·  Using electrical equipment in wet or damp conditions.

·  Faulty equipment.

·  Fires and explosions.

electric safety

Safety Points

·  Work on electrical systems and equipment must only be carried out by persons who have been trained and authorised – Electricians.

·  Check each day connections to tools, plugs and cables for wear or damage before connecting to the supply.

·  Route extension cables so they are not exposed to damaged by the work being carried out, or become trip hazards.

·  Do not use equipment or extension leads that have been repaired with insulation tape.  Have the correct repairs or joints been made.  Report any visible damaged immediately.

·  Never overload equipment eg do not use lighting circuits to run portable tools.

·  Disconnect appliances and tools when not in use.  Hold plug to remove from socket, do not pull on the cable.

·  Do not carry or lower portable tools down from height by holding the cable.

·  Contact with overhead power lines is not required for electrocution to occur as arcing can take place when persons or objects eg scaffold tubes, are some distance away.  Even when turned off they can retain a charge which has to be discharged to earth before they are safe.

·  Electricity Board supply equipment eg Sub-Stations, may have exposed uninsulated parts. Never go beyond fences or put objects through or over them.  Electrocution can take place by arcing as well as contact.


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