Struck by Objects

A struck by objects refer to incidents in which workers are hit and injured by objects, tools, equipment. Struck by hazards are mostly related to improper materials and equipment handling and poor housekeeping

Struck Hazards

Common hazards

  • Falling, flying, slipping, rolling and swinging equipment and materials
  • Poorly stacked materials that may fall, slip and slide
  • Concrete constructions while being constructed
  • Poor housekeeping, such as a tools or equipment left on edges or shelves
  • Objects leaning against walls or posts
  • Unmarked low beams or pipes at site
  • No screen guard at site for objects flying off

Common Control Measures

  • Safety training that how to use the equipment and tools in the workplace
  • Strict supervision, monitoring and controlling
  • Safety inspections and audits
  • Use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) by the workers, such as clothing, helmets, and safety glasses
  • Marking all hazardous areas and have administrative control for visitors including notices and signs
  • Maintaining good housekeeping, such as stacking and piling of materials appropriately
  • Arrange appropriate nets to prevent or catch falling objects
  • Secure tools and equipment with lanyards to the workers to prevent them from falling
  • No lifting equipment or loads beyond an equipment’s designed capacity
  • All lifting equipment must be tested and inspected before use

철모 거북이


낙하물 사고는 건설업 사망사고의 10% 안밖을 차지하는 매우 위험한 사고유형입니다.

최근 아파트 및 도심지 건축물이 고층화 되다보니 이는 현장 내 문제뿐만 아니라 현장 외부까지 영향을 줄 수 있는 위험입니다.

사고 위험을 줄이기 위해서는 무엇보다 나 혼자가 아닌 우리 모두가 관심을 갖어야 합니다.

이를 위해서 나부터 관심을 갖고 위험요소를 찾아 제거하세요.

제가 안전업무를 담당하다보니 최근 본 영화”미나리”에서 생각나는 대사가 있네요.

미나리 밭에 손자 데이빗과 함께 갔을 때, 뱀이 나타나 손자가 뱀을 쫒으려 합니다. 그 때의 대사입니다.

“그냥 둬. 그러면 숨어버려. 데이빗아, 보이는게 안 보이는 것보다 더 나은거야. 숨어 있는게 더 위험하고 무서운 거란다.”



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