Safety Issue

Underground utilities


Underground services are easily damaged during excavation work.  Most accidents are the result of failure to locate all services or by not taking all practicable precautions while excavating



·  Struck by ejected material following explosion following contact with electrical services.

·  Burns from flames, molten metal or plastic following contact with electrical services.

·  Electric shocks following contact with line conductor.

·  Burns and impact injuries from fire following gas leak igniting/exploding.

·  Explosion causing ejected material/persons.

·  Drowning due to flooding excavations following water main rupture.

·  Trapped by collapsing excavation following flooding.

·  Interruption of services to hospitals and emergency services.


[Health and Safety Points]

·  Remember drilling or hammering posts into the ground can also damage the services and supply.

·  Obtain Permit to dig and follow the Method Statement/Risk Assessment.

·  If gas mains are likely to be present then no smoking or naked flames are allowed within the area of excavation.

·  Ensure that you know what to do in an emergency and have emergency contact numbers for Electricity, Gas or Water Companies available.

· Use a cable/pipe detector to locate, then mark the services on the ground using paint or waterproof marker.

· Hand dig trial holes to find exact route of services.

· This means using spades and shovels rather than picks and forks.

· Treat all pipes and cables as live unless it is known for certain otherwise.  For example if a cable has been ‘spiked’.

· Do not use hand held power tools or mechanical means of excavation within 2 metres of 11Kvv cables or 1 metre of any other service.  Fit check collars on tools to ensure initial penetration is restricted.

· If a gas leak is suspected, prevent entry to affected area and call the Gas Company Emergency Services.

· If any service is damaged inform the relevant Electric, Communications, Gas or Water Company immediately.

· Support services that are exposed to protect them from damage.

· Protect gas and water pipes when moving heavy plant over them.

·  Back fill around pipes and cables with fine material.  Backfill should be properly compacted under cast or rigid pipes, this prevents settlement causing damage at a later date.

몇년 전, 송도에서 근무할 때였습니다.

옆에 현장에서 터파기를 하던 중, 전기케이블을 건드렸는데… 이 사고로 인하여 1B/L 택지공사 구간이 정전되는 상황이 되었습니다. 전원 차단된 한개 B/L은 일부 건물 및 공장도 있는 상태였기에, 시공사는 큰 손해를 받았을 것으로 생각됩니다. 잠깐의 실수로 큰 결과를 낳으거죠! 다행히 백호기사는 인적피해는 없었습니다.

땅속에 무었이 있는지 알지 못하기에 공공부지에서 하는 작업은 각별한 주의가 필요합니다. 

제가 근무한 현장은 통신선을 너무 자주 끊어서 당시 KT에서 복구작업을 점점 늦쳐서 해주었죠!! ^^;;;;


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