Buried Services


Underground services are easily damaged during excavation work. Most accidents are the result of failure to locate all services or by not taking all practicable precautions while excavating.


  • Struck by ejected material following explosion following contact with electrical services
  • Burns from flames, molten metal or plastic following contact with electrical services
  • Electric shocks following contact with line conductor
  • Burns and impact injuries from fire following gas leak igniting / exloding
  • Explosion causing ejected material / persons
  • Drowning due to flooding excavations following water main repture
  • Trapped by collapsing excavation following flooding
  • Interruption of services to hopspitals and emergency services


  • Remember drilling or hammering posts into the ground can also damage the services and supply
  • Obtain permit to dig and follow the Method Statement / Risk Assessment
  • If gas mains are likely to be present then no smoking or naked flames are allowed within the area of excavation
  • Ensure that you know what to do in an emergency and have emergency contact numbers for Electricity, Gas or Water Companies available
  • Use a cable / pipe detector to locate, then mark the services on the ground using paint or waterproof marker
  • Hand dig trial holes to find exact route of services
  • This means using spades and shovels rather than picks and forks
  • Treat all pipes and cables as live unless it is known for certain otherwise. For example if a cable has been ‘spiked’
  • Do not use hand held power tools or mechanical means of excavation within 2 meters of 22.9 KV cables or 1 meter of any other service. Fit check collars on tools to ensure initial penetration is restricted
  • If a gas leak is suspected, prevent entry to affected area and call the Gas Company Emergency Services
  • If any service is damaged inform the relevant Electric, Communications, Gas or Water Company immediately
  • Support services that are exposed to protect them from damage
  • Protect gas and water pipes when moving heavy plant over them
  • Back fill around pipes and cables with fine material. Backfill should be properly compacted under cast or rigid pipes, this prevents settlement causing damage at a later date


  • What should you receive a copy of, before doing any digging?
  • How can cable and pipe routes be identified?
  • What precautions should be taken when excavating near to a gas main?


Many accidents are caused by inadequate training and identification of services as well as not following safe digging practices. Never dig, frill or hammer posts / pins into ground unless a Permit to Dig has been obtained and the relevant Method Statement / Risk Assessment is being followed.


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