Safety Talk




 As development of green belt areas becomes more difficult then the attention has turned to the redevelopment of contaminated land in urban areas. Contamination of the land can come in many forms and in many cases it is linked to the previous use of the area. Examples are old gas works, scrap yards, landfills, tanneries etc.


  • The presence of oil based substances such as pitch, tar, diesel etc
  • Unusual odours or coloured soils and liquids
  • Dirty / Contaminated water
  • Dusty and flaky material ie. Lagging materials, insulation board
  • Old containers or drums, especially if they are in a poor condition


  • Contamination can effect the body due to inhalation, ingestion or direct contact with the substance
  • Always wear the correct PPE as identified in risk assessment
  • Know how to use the PPE and store it correctly after use
  • Hygiene will need to be to the highest standards, use the facilities provided
  • Always get cuts and scratches cleaned and dressed immediately
  • Report any incident, including accidental ingestion etc.
  • Do not smoke in unauthorized areas
  • Make sure you wash your hands before eating, drinking or smoking
  • Report any unusual material / substance to your supervisor immediately
  • If you uncover any questionable material / substance during excavation then contact or alert immediately isolate area until a further decision is made on how to deal with the problem
  • Co0operate with any of the control measures you have asked to work to
  • Report any defects of any PPE, work equipment or welfare facility
  • Do not take soiled clothing home
  • Report any relevant health issues to your supervisor



  • What are the main hazards associated with contaminated land?
  • How could a substance get into the body?
  • What should be done if any unexpected material is found during excavation?


Contamination can come in many forms, be aware of the potectial of any contamination you may have to work with.


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