Eyes are delicate and easily damaged. 1000 people are a testament to this fact each day by suffering eye injuries. The majority of injuries could have been prevented by using eye protection. Employers have a legal duty to freely supply eye protection, employees have a legal duty to use the protection provided


  • IMPACT from solids, and flying particles
  • IMPACT from liquids and gases for example when using compressed air tools or pressure testing
  • CHEMICALS causing injury or burns from splashes when applying or handling
  • DUST from work activities or from wind blown sources
  • Ultra Violet light from welding activities


  • Different tasks require different types of protection – make sure you get the right type
  • As you can see the marking is not easy to remember so when you get new eye protection check the marking on the frame and lens against the leaflet or leaflet or label to make shore it is suitable for your task. If you are not sure you have got the correct eye protection do not use it until you have check with you supervisor
  • Always use the protectio provided whenever your eyes are at risk, no matter how short a time the job will take, it takes only a fraction of a second to loose your sight.
  • Never watch welding operations unless you are wearing the correct eye protection, you could suffer burns or very painful arc eye caused by the bright light
  • Always get damaged eye protection replaced before you put your eyes at risk
  • Keep eye protectio clean, you still need to be able to see what you are doing or where you are going
  • Eye protection only works when it covers your eyes, not when it is hung around a helmet or neck.
  • If you have been unlucky or unwise and suffered an eye injury or have something in your eye always seek advise from a first aider or seek medical attention
  • Make sure that your eye protection fits correctly, if it doesn’t it may not give you the protection you expect



  • When you are given eye protection what must you check?
  • If your eye protection is damaged what should you do?
  • Does it matter what type of eye protection is used?



Always protect your eyes from damage –  you cannot see without them suitable eye protection is detailed in PPE procedures or standards


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