Safety Talk

Good Housekeeping


Many accidents are caused or aggravated by untidy conditions on site. There is a duty for all of us to keep our workplace in good order. Good housekeeping is essential in running a safe site.


  • Stumbling, tripping or slipping on material left oon floors, platforms or walkways.
  • Falling objects from material left at height on scaffolding, platforms, girders, pipes.
  • Striking against projecting materials such as rebar, girders, tie wires, bonding.
  • Stepping on sharp objects such as nails, rebar ties.
  • Fire risks due to flammable rubbish left lying around.
  • Contact with hazardous substances that have not been kept in closed containers or disposed of properly.
  • Fire or Emergency Escape Routes blocked by materials or equipment.



  • Never rely on others to clean up for you, it is your responsibility.
  • Place trailing electric cables and hoses away from walkways and workshop floors.
  • Clean up spills of oils and other materials liable to cause slips immediately.
  • Put rubbish into bins and skps provided.
  • Put your tools and equipment and PPE in the toolboxes and lockers provided.
  • When working at height do not leave any material on scaffold, platforms or girder flanges.
  • Joiners must denail timbers and steelfixers must bend over tie wires as soon as possible.
  • Remove surplus bundle ties/banding and place in bins as soon as possible. Bend back protruding ties or bands if they can’t be removed.
  • Ensure all surplus flammable material is removed from the workplace.
  • When stacking meterial make sure that the stack is stable and not too hight.
  • Do not block fire exits or Emergency Escape Routes with boxes, materials, timbers, etc.
  • Always remomber that a tidy site is safer and happy to work on. Untidy sites have the most accidents.


  • Why should you not leave loose materials on scaffolds, working platforms etc?
  • What must be done with protruding nails, tie wires, bonding etc?
  • Give two reasons why materials should not be left on walkways?


Housekeeping is everyone’s responsibility. Don’t leave hazards for others to sort out. A tidy site is seesntial for eliminating accidents.


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