Safety Talk




Some employees who use hand held tools and machines that produce certain levels of vibration can suffer injury to their hand or arm. The most common result of this is damage to the blood vessels and is called VIBRATION WHITE FINGER.


  • Using vibration tools such as breakers, pokers, cut off wheels
  • Poorly designed tools that cause difficulty in gripping
  • Working in cold weather conditions
  • Old injuries such as fractures that may increase the risk
  • Persons who smoke or are on some form of medication



  • Symptoms could range from tingling, numbness, whitened fingers, loss of sensitiviity, reduced grip, painful throbbing when blood returns to the fingers
  • Not all the tools mentioned previously give problems, a lot depends on how tools are used and how long they are used for
  • Be aware of any problems and report any symptoms, however minor, to your supervisor
  • Keep tools sharp if cutting. This will reduce the amount of time the tools is in use for
  • Make sure equipment is maintained in a safe condition and is fit for use
  • If provided with any equipment that may improve its use then use it!
  • Keep warm at work, especially your hands
  • Wear warm gloves and extra clothing if you work in the cold and weatherproof clothing, if wet
  • Don’t smoke or at least cut down as smoking effects the blood flow
  • Use the right tools for the job
  • Don’t use any more force than necessary
  • Try to avoid long periods of use without taking a break
  • Remember its not only your work that will be affected but also social and leisure activities such as watching outdoor sports, fishing, rambling, gardening or even washing the car!!



  • What type of tools or processes could effect you?
  • What are the symptoms associated with vibration with finger?



Think about working times and special PPE


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