Safety Talk




Cases of E-Coli 0157 and Salmonella Food Poisoning have made the news headlines of late. There are mumerous diseases that can be sperad by contaminated food. Good food hygiene is therefore essential when preparing food.

*E-Coli 0157 : 장출혈성 대장균 ->일명, 햄버거병



  • Stomach disorders, bacteria passed into the food chain
  • Food borne diseases E-Coli and Salmonella
  • Inadequate hygiene facilities
  • Poor food preparation methods


  • Always wash your hands before handling food and after using the toilet, handling money or food waste and after using the toilet
  • Tell your supervisor if you are suffering from any complaint that can spread disease through food. This includes any skin, nose, throat or bowel trouble
  • Ensure cuts and sores are covered with blue waterprrof dressings. Blue in case they fall off
  • Keep yourself clean and wear clean clothing
  • Do not smoke in a food room. It is illegal and dangerous
  • Never cough or sneez over food
  • Clean as you go, keeping all equipment and surfaces sterile
  • Never allow raw meat or the utensils used in its preparation to come into contact with cooked foods
  • Keep food covered and either refregerated or piping hot
  • Do not handle food with your hands if you can help it
  • Ensure food waste is disposed of quickly into lidded bins or skips
  • Disinfect all food preparation surfaces, floors, walls and doors on a regular basis
  • Tell your supervisor if you are unable to follow the rules – Do not break the Law


  • What is the most important thing to consider when preparing raw meat?
  • Name three acitivities after which you must wash your hands


Always pay close attention to personnel hygiene when working with food. Keep your working area clean by washing and disinfecting. Report health problems to your supervisor.


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