Lifting and moving loads by hand is one of the most common causes of injury at work. Many Manual Handing injuries result from repetitive operations but even one bad lift can cause a lifetime of pain and disability.


  • Damage to the spine (slipped disc, crushed vertebrae, etc)
  • Pulled or torn muscles or ligaments.
  • Broken fingers or toes.
  • Severe cuts.


  • Avoid unnecessary handling. Ask yourself: is there a way of avoiding the operation? Can mechanical aids be used to minimise the amount of Manual Handling? If the answer is YES to either of these questions then speak to your supervisor.
  • Know the weight of the item to be lifted if you don’t know the weight then rock the load to assess the weight.
  • Do not attempt to lift any load that is too heavy, too large or awkward. Get help!!! but remember when carrying out a two person lift it does not mean you lift twice the weight.
  • Discuss HOW, heavy or awkward loads are to be lifted with your supervisor.
  • For a team lift choose one person to call the signals.
  • Ensure your route is clear of trip/slip hazards.
  • Know how to lift correctly ask for a Manual Handling card from your superviso.
  • When lifting avoid making sudden jerky movements as this puts increased strain on the muscles and ligaments.
  • Where possible gloves should be worn to protect against cuts, scratches or punctures.
  • Wear safety footwear to protect toes from falling loads.
  • When carring a load avoid twisting the body as this puts unnecessary pressure on your back.
  • Do not carry a load that blocks your vision.
  • Notify your supervisor of any condition that could affect your ability to handle loads.


  • What two questions must you ask yourself to avoid unnecessary handling?
  • What must you do before handling heavy or awkward loads?
  • When carring a load what must you avoid doing?



Try to avoid unnecessary manual handling. Do not lift any load that is too heavy, too large or too awkward.


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